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common negative for speakers

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Copper - Posts: 242
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Posted: October 03, 2006 at 8:26 PM / IP Logged  
I am replacing a deck in an old tractor that has a common negative for the two speakers. Is there any way to connect the speakers witout running new wires to them? Thanks in advance.
Good Luck!
Copper - Posts: 215
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Posted: October 03, 2006 at 8:58 PM / IP Logged  
Old tractor + New deck = New Wiring
'89 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Pioneer DEH-5900UB
(2)RE Audio SX 10"s
(1)US Amps MD3D
3ft^3 @ 37Hz
Blowing up in a car accident doesnt worry me, as long as I'm putting out some major dB's when I die...
Silver - Posts: 1,623
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Posted: October 04, 2006 at 7:34 PM / IP Logged  
Guys this is what I was talking about last week.If it were easy to run new wires,don't you think he would have done it? It's probibly a real pain in the butt so he's looking for an alternative. If you don't know of one, why answer the post? Sorry I had to get that off my chest. Part # OEM2 from PAC will allow him to hook up a floating ground deck to common ground speakers. Good luck SoundAudio.
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Platinum - Posts: 1,368
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Posted: October 04, 2006 at 8:16 PM / IP Logged  


how's about two large capacitors in series with the positive outputs of the the headunit?  lets say at least 4700uF, 25v or more?  not the best for sonics but i'd have to think it would most definitely work. should allow the headunit to operate correctly without going into protection.

my two cents


Silver - Posts: 1,623
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Posted: October 05, 2006 at 1:09 PM / IP Logged  
Again,this guy does this for a living, just like you and I. Don't you think he knows that running wires is the best way? Then why didn't he do that? It's an old tractor, it could have the wire access rusted and non-accessable. He was asking for an alternative son, lighten up.
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Copper - Posts: 242
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Posted: October 05, 2006 at 1:20 PM / IP Logged  
Well in defense of both of you I haven't really gotten to see the tractor yet., so I have no idea. I go to school full time too, so that is where I am at right now. The guy's son brought me the deck mount and the harnesses so I switched out the deck in the mount and hooked up the harness for power and ground, I wanted to make sure there was nothing i could do without the tractor before i try and find time to actually get to it. I know it is a little unconventional but they were hoping it would be easier. I appreciate the replies a lot, it is always nice to have help.  It doesn't work to have your help argue or kill each other. Thanks again for the help, and lets all relax.
Good Luck!
Silver - Posts: 1,623
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Posted: October 05, 2006 at 1:46 PM / IP Logged  
OK,I don't want this to turn into any "Rocket Surgary" We can just agree to disagree.
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Gold - Posts: 1,440
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Posted: October 05, 2006 at 4:06 PM / IP Logged  
I do this for a living and I have never heard of that adapter and my installer  hadn't either. I learned somethingcommon negative for speakers -- posted image., thanx..
Copper - Posts: 242
Copper spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spacespace
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Posted: October 06, 2006 at 10:00 AM / IP Logged  
A very small living, but it helps pay some of the college bills, and I can schedule around classes, projects etc. I am in NE Kansas.  I appreciate the help I am running new wire tomorrow.
Good Luck!
Copper - Posts: 242
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Posted: October 08, 2006 at 11:02 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks for all the help guys, I got it taken care of. Running new wire around the roof mount AC unit was a big pain in the butt, but I guess thats what I was paid for. Thanks again.
Good Luck!

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