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First Time Alarm, 2001 Honda Civic

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Posted: October 23, 2006 at 8:26 PM / IP Logged  
I will be puting a alarm in a 01 civic. I found the wiring on the site. just look for any info that may help make this install a little smoother.
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Posted: October 23, 2006 at 9:16 PM / IP Logged  
Remote start / security / GPS
Wire/Function Colour Location/Description Polarity
12 VOLTSWhiteIn ignition switch harness +
IGNITIONBLACK / YELLOWIn ignition switch harness +
ACCESSORYBLACK/ redIn ignition switch harness +
STARTERBLACK/ whiteIn ignition switch harness +
KEY SENSERED / whiteOn 16-pin green connector above driver's kick -
This is the factory alarm connector and is present even if vehicle has no factory security.
TACH SIGNALBlueAt tach test connector AC
This plug is located on the passenger side of the engine compartment between the battery and the headlight. Set your remote starter for 4 cylinders.
FUEL INJECTOROpposite of Yellow/blackAt any injector on engine AC
LOCKWHITE/ blue/2 sil. DotsOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick -
These wires require up to 750 milliamps to activate. Some products do not have strong enough doorlock outputs for this. You may need to install relays to provide a stronger ground. See the diagram in the available graphics.
UNLOCKWHITE/ GREEN/ 2 sil. DotsOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick -
These wires require up to 750 milliamps to activate. Some products do not have strong enough doorlock outputs for this. You may need to install relays to provide a stronger ground. See the diagram in the available graphics.
GREEN is driver's door, LT.GREEN/ RED is passenger door. GREEN / WHITE catches rear doors. All wires are found on the green 16-pin connector above the driver's kickpanel. This is the factory alarm connector and is present even if vehicle has no factory security.
TRUNK PINRED / 2 sil. DotsOn 16-pin green connector above driver's kick -
This is the factory alarm connector and is present even if vehicle has no factory security.
BRAKESWITCHWHITE/ blackOn 4-pin plug at brake pedal +
PARKLIGHTSRED / blackIn harness clipped to left side of fusebox +
HAND BRAKEGREEN/ ORANGE / 1 sil. DotIn harness running above diag. plug under dash -
HORNORANGE / 2 sil. DotsOn 16-pin green connector above driver's kick -
This is the factory alarm connector and is present even if vehicle has no factory security.
DRIVER WINDOW UPRED / blackAt 20-pin plug on switch in driver's door REV POL
DRIVER WINDOW DOWNRED / yellowAt 20-pin plug on switch in driver's door REV POL
PASSENGER WINDOW UPBlue/redOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick REV POL
PASSENGER WINDOW DOWNBlue/whiteOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick REV POL
LEFT REAR WINDOW UPBROWN / whiteOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick REV POL
LEFT REAR WINDOW DOWNBrownOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick REV POL
RIGHT REAR WINDOW UPBlue/orangeOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick REV POL
RIGHT REAR WINDOW DOWNBROWN / yellowOn 20-pin gray connector above driver's kick REV POL
HEADLIGHTSRED / yellowIn harness on right of steering column +
You can also find a BLUE/RED (-) for the headlights on the green 16-pin security connector taped up behind dash above the kickpanel.
VSS WIREBlue/whiteAt cruise module above kickpanel
TRANSPONDER IGNITIONYellow/blackAt 7-pin plug on Ignition switch assembly +
TRANSPONDER DATA 1RED / bluePin-2 at 7-Pin connector DATA
TRANSPONDER GROUNDBROWN / yellowPin-1 at 7-Pin connector -
Available Notes
Vehicle Notes
PLEASE NOTE: This vehicle is equipped with a passive IMMOBILIZER system. Please refer to the alarm diagram before any remote start installation.

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