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Best of the worst

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Silver - Posts: 879
Silver spacespace
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Posted: December 30, 2006 at 5:05 PM / IP Logged  

I hear about the best of the best in car audio. So lets hear about the best of the worst. What cheap brand do you feel may be a little better than people think? Well, while we are at it. What is the worst of the worst?

Big Dave
Silver - Posts: 352
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Posted: January 11, 2007 at 4:38 PM / IP Logged  
hmm, cheap but half-way decent....that's a toughy, I dunno, what do you classify as cheap?
Worst of the Worst...
Wal-marts Durabrand!!
If it comes in a clear plastic case, like some of our tools, it can't be good, and I've yet to see a good one...
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Silver - Posts: 695
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Posted: January 11, 2007 at 5:10 PM / IP Logged  
Seems to me there are a ton of "onece great" products that have really gone down the tubes. Eclips is one... Once they hit the big box stores it seems to have gone to he11.. alot of the bolt on stuff is the same way, westin was pretty decent stuff, now made in china out of inferior material, still with a "lifetime" warranty, but who gets holding the bag on that one.. The poor shop that sold it.. Ive gotten to the point of selling ONLY the best of the best made in america. My sales have dwindled a bit because of it, but my repeat customer base is huge.. They have no problems and they always come back for more. The best part is they tell their freinds too.. We are just getting into the audio portion of things so I don't have much of an opinion there yet, but Im sure its the same.. You have the great spendy stuff, the mid price, and the crap in clear blister pack plastic.. I guess Ill find out...
Tire Proz Stillwater Mn
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Posted: January 12, 2007 at 8:27 AM / IP Logged will find it real hard to get your hands on affordable "made in the USA" audio products. Remember, I said affordable.....
Silver - Posts: 695
Silver spacespace
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Posted: January 12, 2007 at 8:34 AM / IP Logged  
That is VERY true..   I have a killer rep here in St. Paul, that only sells top of the line stuff, The only problem is if he has problems with warranty issues or a the company gets bought out he tends to drop them like a bad habbit.   I try to use him for any high end stuff, but like ya said "affordable" is the key word...
Tire Proz Stillwater Mn
High End Restyling and Comlete Repair
Gold - Posts: 1,228
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Posted: March 14, 2007 at 2:51 AM / IP Logged  

How about this one: Lightning Audio. They (says on their boxes) are part of Rockford Fosgate. I haven't heard their amps but I have heard their cheapo tri-axial 6x9's and 12's also. I was very impressed. They were both slightly overpowered so I know I heard all they've got. A pair of tri-axial 6x9's for $40, sold at Wally-World. Not bad to me... I think the 12's go for about $40 apiece also. -What gets me though on their 12's is the power rating: 150wrms, 750wmax? Okay. The prices are pretty modest, though.

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Silver - Posts: 703
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Posted: May 03, 2007 at 8:19 AM / IP Logged  

Pardon the rewording, it's just an old habit ^-^

Best of the affordable: I LOVE Boss for the affordable systems. They sound good and are very efficient. Also their power rating is respectable. We did an install with the Blade Exxtreme series subs in a corvette. We had a properly tuned ported box and 2 - 10" subs with 500 watts RMS into each. We were shocked ourselves to find 148.3 db when the owner took it to an IASCA sanctioned db drag.

Worst of the worst: Durabrand fills in nicely here... I'm sure there is worse, but I can't think of one right now. I'm sure if I pull out the shop's product notebook (we keep notes on all the products that have installed) I'm sure I will find something.

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Copper - Posts: 276
Copper spacespace
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Posted: July 11, 2007 at 5:03 PM / IP Logged  
A bit late, but Fusion Audio makes a pretty good affordable product.
Copper - Posts: 173
Copper spacespace
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Posted: August 21, 2007 at 12:32 AM / IP Logged  
california profile series amps are good for the prices
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Copper - Posts: 66
Copper spacespace
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Posted: August 22, 2007 at 11:20 PM / IP Logged  
i also like power base  nice subs and there components or real nice and afffordable under 65.00
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