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Wig wags

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Member - Posts: 2
Member spacespace
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Posted: January 10, 2007 at 5:02 PM / IP Logged  

i have been told several times that you can make your own wig wags out of a turn signal flashe a toggle switch. if you know of away please let me know. i need to get the wig wags working on my bronco 2 asap. if this can be done by makeing my own with a flasher switch and toggle switch i would prefer to go that route instead of spending anymore money.

looking forward to hearing from you all

Silver - Posts: 346
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Posted: January 10, 2007 at 6:36 PM / IP Logged  
Whats a wig wag
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Posted: January 10, 2007 at 9:19 PM / IP Logged  

it is where the head lights flash one light at a time. used on your police cruisers and fire/ems vehicles.

Copper - Posts: 55
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Posted: January 15, 2007 at 8:32 AM / IP Logged  

i dont know, it sounds like its all relays being used.. i think the easies thing to do if u wold wanna make on fast and simle would be to find a turning singal relay and like a junk yard or wahtever (so it clicks on and off) then get a relay like off the internet.. ....

-install your turning singal relay to some switch so u can control it.  

-then find the wire that would be used to blink your turning lights

-then install your relay  

-put the wire that is 12 volt and blinking on your coil (86 or 85)

- if that wire is a positive (which it sould be ) ground the other coil side (85 or 86)

- the bring in a new 12 volt sorce that is always hot (maybe right off the battery) .. put that wire on your common (30)

-then one headlight, put the positve wire on 87a and the other headlight, put it on 87, then ground the headlighs (or whatever u want to blink) (if u want to do headlights, i would say just spice into the existing wires, then when u turn off your light, and hit your switch to turn this all will work nicly..  (one light one, the other out.. ) if the blinker blinks to fast, (which it might , becuase it would blink the same speed like your turning lights blow out.. )  then just give the wire before the relay a bigger load.. which can be done a few differnt ways.. 

im sure there are better ways to do this.. (without the turning signal.. ) but i figured that would be the easiest...
otherwise.. just find anything that turns on and off.. (like a turning signal) and have atleast 500ma to be able to turn that relay on and off.. but the relay will work perfectly if u hook it up like that.. and have somethign to control the power to it..

Silver - Posts: 695
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Posted: January 15, 2007 at 11:14 AM / IP Logged  
Useing a flasher should work, but it wont be very fast, I think useing 2 flashers may be the way to go, one for each headlight. I would call the local shop that does squads and such and see if you can get a used one from wheland or something, look on ebay, or if your in a public safty line of work , just go digging around the old radio room and look for the stuff,
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Copper - Posts: 87
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Posted: January 16, 2007 at 8:52 PM / IP Logged  

Using a toggle switch and two turn signal flashers would work, but it would be crude.  The toggle switch would have to be able to handle high amperage and using the two flashers would not be a true wig-wag, but would flash the lights randomly at whatever the flasher rate would equate to.

Try this site use the bottom diagram on page 24.  The rheostat adjusts the wig-wag flash rate.  You should be able to buy the parts to build this circuit for around $20-$25.

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Posted: January 16, 2007 at 8:53 PM / IP Logged  
Wire the flasher to your switched +12 then the other end of it to 86, 85 to ground. Then wire a +12 or Ground to 30, 87 and 87a will alternate the input on 30 back and forth.
This will make a wig-wag.
Member - Posts: 26
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Posted: January 26, 2007 at 11:48 PM / IP Logged  
smokeeater wrote:

i have been told several times that you can make your own wig wags out of a turn signal flashe a toggle switch. if you know of away please let me know. i need to get the wig wags working on my bronco 2 asap. if this can be done by makeing my own with a flasher switch and toggle switch i would prefer to go that route instead of spending anymore money.

looking forward to hearing from you all

Easy! Run your 12v hot through the switch. Connect from the switch to the X terminal on an EL13A flasher. Run a wire from each of the remaining two terminals through a 6 amp diode and connect to the high beam wire near the light. Isolate each lead with a 6 amp diode. See drawing.
Wig wags -- posted image.
Member - Posts: 26
Member spacespace
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Posted: January 26, 2007 at 11:54 PM / IP Logged  
I thought I would mention that this method is tried and true. It is the method used to wig-wag the pursuit lights on police motorcycles for the past 30 years.
Copper - Posts: 63
Copper spacespace
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Posted: February 01, 2007 at 3:12 PM / IP Logged  
for $20-30 you can find a Code 3 model 700 or 710. They're very durable and easy to install. they have the added feature of adding a relay boost to your high beams making them brighter than normal.
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