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2007 Mazda 6 Alarm/Remote Start Wiring

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Copper - Posts: 52
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Posted: August 14, 2007 at 9:53 PM / IP Logged  

Anyone have the wiring color diagrams for a 2007 Mazda 6, need to install a remote starter.

Thank you!

Platinum - Posts: 7,056
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Posted: August 18, 2007 at 7:03 PM / IP Logged  
12 VOLTS Black & BLACK / YELLOW Ignition switch harness   + 
 IGNITION Blue Ignition switch harness   + 
 ACCESSORY BLACK/ red Ignition switch harness   + 
 ACCESSORY 2 BLACK/ white Ignition switch harness   + 
 STARTER BLACK/ blue Ignition switch harness   + 
 KEY SENSE WHITE/ blue Ignition switch harness   + 
 On the 6 cyl use the wire opposite from the GREEN/ stripe wire at any of the coils on the top of the engine. On the 4 cyl use the wire opposite from the BLACK/ white wire.
 LOCK Blue At doorlock module above pass. Kickpanel   - 
 This is a 1-wire system. A ground to unlock and ground through a 1K resistor to lock. The keyless entry module is located in the passenger side kickpanel near the glovebox.
 UNLOCK Blue At doorlock module above pass. Kickpanel   - 
 This is a 1-wire system. A ground to unlock and ground through a 1K resistor to lock. The keyless entry module is located in the passenger side kickpanel near the glovebox.
 DOORPIN GREEN/ orange On 12-pin white plug above Dr. kickpanel   - 
 HOODPIN Gray/red At pinswitch under hood   - 
 TRUNK PIN Brown On 12-pin white plug above Dr. kickpanel   - 
 FACTORY ARM Arms with lock wire     
 FACTORY DISARM Disarms with unlock wire    - 
 You can use the keysense wire to disarm without unlocking the doors.
 BRAKESWITCH GREEN/ YELLOW On 12-pin white plug above Dr. kickpanel   + 
 PARKLIGHTS Lt.GREEN/ red On 14-pin plug in driver's kickpanel   + 
 Also RED / white (-) at the steering column.
 HORN Violet/white In harness at base of steering column   - 
 DRIVER WINDOW UP Red At switch in driver's door   REV POL 
 DRIVER WINDOW DOWN Green At switch in driver's door   REV POL 
 PASSENGER WINDOW UP GREEN / WHITE In harness from driver's door   REV POL 
 PASSENGER WINDOW DOWN GREEN/ black In harness from driver's door   REV POL 
 LEFT REAR WINDOW UP RED / yellow In harness from driver's door   REV POL 
 LEFT REAR WINDOW DOWN Yellow In harness from driver's door   REV POL 
 RIGHT REAR WINDOW UP RED / white In harness from driver's door   REV POL 
 RIGHT REAR WINDOW DOWN Brown In harness from driver's door   REV POL 
 HEADLIGHTS Blue/green In harness at base of steering column   - 
 VSS WIRE GREEN/ red In harness behind radio     

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