| 12V|pnk/blk & RED / yel |+ |ignition harness |
| STARTER|yellow |+ |ignition harness |
| IGNITION|blue |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND IGNITION|RED / white (20 awg) |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|BLACK/ orange |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND ACCESSORY|BLACK/ white |+ |ignition harness |
| POWER LOCK|ORANGE / purple |+ |conn. 2, pin 41 @ BCM *1 |
| POWER UNLOCK|pink/purple |+ |conn. 2, pin 75 @ BCM *1 |
| LOCK MOTOR|ORANGE / black | |DKP or relay behind glovebox|
| UNLOCK MOTOR|blue/white | |DKP or relay behind glovebox|
| DISARM DEFEAT|pink/black | |PKP or relay behind glovebox|
| PARKING LIGHTS +|BLACK / YELLOW | |blue 22 pin plug above brake|
| PARKING LIGHTS -|lt GREEN/ red | |lt sw or C1, pin 40 @ BCM *1|
| HEADLIGHTS|lt GREEN/ orange |+ |lt sw or C1, pin 13 @ BCM *1|
| DOOR TRIGGER|tan & tan/red |- |C2, pins 79 & 48 @ BCM *1 |
| DOME SUPERVISION|use door trigger | | |
| TRUNK/HATCH PIN|tan/black |- |conn. 2, pin 59 @ BCM *1 |
| HOOD PIN|BROWN / tan |- |conn. 2, pin 47 @ BCM *1 |
|TRNK/HTCH RELEASE|yellow/red *2 |+ |relay behind glovebox |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|lt GREEN/ black *3 |- |conn. 2, pin 45 @ BCM *1 |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|same wire | | |
| DISARM NO UNLOCK|same wire | | |
| TACHOMETER|gray/lt blue | |tach on steer. column, pin 1|
| SPEED SENSE|WHITE/ orange | |passenger kick panel *4 |
| BRAKE WIRE|WHITE/ tan |+ |steering column |
| HORN TRIGGER|BLACK/ red |- |column or C1,pin 17 @ BCM *1|
| WIPERS|brn/wht(L),rd/blk(H)|+ |steering column |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|lt blue - white |A |driver window switch |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|brn/wht - pur/wht |A |driver kick panel |
| RADIO 12V|pink |+ |radio |
| RADIO GROUND|chassis | | |
| RADIO SWITCH|RED / white |+ |radio |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|orange (dimmer) |+ |radio |
| POWER ANTENNA|GREEN / WHITE(ant/amp)|+ |radio |
| LF SPEAKER|green - brn/red | |radio *5 |
| RF SPEAKER|purple - blu/red | |radio *5 |
| LR SPEAKER|brn/yel - brn/lt blu| |radio *5 |
| RR SPEAKER|blu/wht - blu/org | |radio *5 |
NOTE: Chrysler vehicles that use a gray ignition key have an immobilizer system that needs to be bypassed when remote starting. Use DEI part number 555C or 555U. *1 The BCM (Body Control Module) is in the driver kick panel. Connector 1 (white) is on top towards the front of the car. Connector 2 (white) is on top towards the rear. Connector 3 (black) is on the bottom. *2 CAUTION! The rear of the convertible top must be unlatched and folded forward before triggering the trunk release. *3 This will also do the door locks. Arm/lock is negative thru a 4.13K ohm resistor. Disarm/unlock is negative thru a 663 ohm resistor. Single pulse will do disarm without unlocking the doors. Unlock requires a double pulse. MUST use relays. *4 Also found at the TCM (Transmission Control Module) on the passenger side of the trunk, pin 58, or the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) in the passenger side front fender, remove the body panel to access, connector 2, pin 66. *5 These are the signal wires from the radio to the amplifier. The amplifier is under the passenger seat. The speaker output wires are as follows: LF dash yel/red - yel/blk. RF dash org/red - org/blk. LF door lt grn/pur - lt grn/grn. RF door lt blu/pur - lt blu/grn. LR speaker wht/grn - wht/pur. RR speaker tan/red - tan/grn. LR woofer wht/red - wht/blk. RR woofer tan/pur - tan/blk.