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dnx7100 bt200 compatible problem

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Member - Posts: 10
Member spacespace
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Posted: April 04, 2008 at 9:39 PM / IP Logged  

so, i can't get a bt200 to work with a dnx7100 or a ddx7019.  keeps saying wrong pin or just won't even try to connect.  i finally had to pull a bt100 off a display and sell it to customer.  i'm wondering if the bt200 is only meant for kenwoods new stuff. i.e.  ddx512, kvt512, and dnx5012.    who knows.  anyway, if anyone has been able to get one of these to work on anything, i'd appreciate some direction here.

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Member spacespace
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Posted: April 05, 2008 at 9:12 AM / IP Logged  
what pin are you using? the pin should be 0000 for the bt200.
I can get the bt200 to work on my kvt 819dvd with my iPhone but for some odd reason my radio acts like its not installed sometimes (no TEL icon at the bottom or TEL button on the source page). I have to unplug it and replug just so I can use it again. once it does work, it works flawless..
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Member spacespace
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Posted: April 06, 2008 at 1:16 PM / IP Logged  
using the 0000 pin.   the customer had an iphone too.  we're gonna call kenwood monday morning and try to figure out what's up.  thanks for the reply.  i'll post what they tell us
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Member spacespace
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Posted: April 07, 2008 at 9:23 AM / IP Logged  
FYI...... I just talked with my regional sales manager and my tech guy from Kenwood.   They have received a couple of calls on this and have no idea what is up.  I'm supposed to hear from them today or tomorrow after they call the powers that be and see what the problem is.  I'll post the answer when I talk to one of  them. 
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Posted: April 08, 2008 at 7:20 AM / IP Logged  
Cool man, keep us updated. I had to take mine back yesterday. The audio shop hasn't installed one into any cars yet so I was the first to deal with it.
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Member spacespace
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Posted: April 08, 2008 at 10:21 AM / IP Logged  

just got off the phone with my tech guy.  he said they've replicated the problem in california.  there is no solution right now for making the dnx7100 work with the bt200.   i asked about the 7019 and the 719, and he was kinda hesitant to say it was working in california.   and, the 'engineers' from japan are suppose to be in cali next week.  hopefully, they will find a solution.  bt100 on ebay might be best solution, who knows. 

i'll update when i hear more from cali

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Member spacespace
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Location: Arkansas, United States
Posted: April 15, 2008 at 7:56 PM / IP Logged  
yeah, so, the bt200 is only used with the new 5 series screens.  i've tried everything and every scenario, and nothing is consistent.  supposed to have a kenwood training in the first tuesday of may.  i doubt they'll have a solution to their problems, which are turning out to be numerous with their new products
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Member spacespace
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Posted: April 30, 2008 at 8:52 AM / IP Logged  

just had a kenwood training...and, the new bt200 that are about to ship from factory will work on all 07 and 08 model kenwood screens.

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Member spacespace
Joined: May 08, 2008
Posted: May 09, 2008 at 9:43 AM / IP Logged  

I tried Sony Ericsson K800i, Nokia N95 8GB and HP iPAQ 512, the results are negative. Three phones cannot pair to KCA-BT200 (ver 1.4) with DDX7039 (ver 1.0.9)

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Gold spacespace
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Posted: May 18, 2008 at 11:02 AM / IP Logged  
First off, make sure the 3 DIP switches are set up correctly for the 7100. When setting the switches, make sure that the 5L cable is unplugged from the main unit. This will set up the BT200 for the proper deck.
The default PIN# is now 0000
You may need to do a software update on the BT200, very easily done. Your rep can get you the disc or email the files you need to burn to disc (early production BT200 need to be updated).
I have not had a problem pairing any phone to the BT200 at all. Way better unit than the 100 by far. The main thing is to make sure the switches are set correctly, this is the key!
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