sallc5 wrote:
I came out with I = (14.4v-3.4v)/147ohms which gave me .07 or 70 mA. |
EXCELLENT! That is done correctly - at least "by the book". But I'll say more on that later....
But look at this the other way....
You are saying the 147R (R means Ohm - it's used instead of the Omega symbol) resistors mean 70mA through a 3.4V LED. (That is correct).
Therefore your existing LEDs are also taking 70mA unless they are (say) 1.7V LEDs hence (14.4v-1.7v)/147R = 12.7/147 = 86mA.
Do you see the issue - LEDs do not take that much (except for v.high intensity etc).
So there is some "circuit issue" - it may be multiplexed, use series LEDs, or use a lower supply voltage (maybe 5V regulated - 5V/147R means 34mA MAXIMUM - less if you add LEDS - eg 22mA & 10mA for 1.7 & 3.4V LEDS).
But yet again - is it important? Let's consider it this way....
Your new LEDs are higher voltage than the originals - or so I presume. They are unlikely to be higher voltage.
If your new LEDs are the same voltage (as the original), they will draw/take the same current. If they are higher, they will take LESS current.
Hence it
should be safe simply to substitute the new LEDs.
This assumes each LED replaces each original LED. (Otherwise you will need to figure out how the LEDS are connected - is it one resister per LED etc. If each LED is an indicator (bar graph etc) then yes - probably. If it's for illumination, then some LEDs are probably in series with a single resistor.)
Oh geez! Too much?
In summary - the circuit is probably more complex than you think, but it shouldn't matter. The new LEDs may not work or be bright enough, but since they shouldn't take MORE current than the old LEDs, the circuit should not blow up.
The blues may not be bright enough because they may need the higher voltage and higher current. Besides - we are less sensitive to blue than green & red (& hence white). (Yes - aren't those blue headlights so much brighter than white - rotflmfho!!)
The filters may work if the originals are white LEDs. For colored LEDs they usually don't (ie, red, green, yellow etc LEDs generally put out ONLY those colors so any "other color" filter blocks their light output.
Regarding the 14.4V LED supply - that is unlikely - unless they dim & brighten with vehicle RPM.
For various reasons - including the need for circuits to operate from (say) an 8V-10V to 16V vehicle supply - their supply will be protected and regulated.
5V is a common voltage for LED indicators/meters etc for historical reasons, plus reliable regulation at 5V even if the vehicle dips to 8V (eg, during cranking). Not that this voltage variation applies to all systems, but since equipment tends to be made to suit "all" applications....
Anyhow, there are various ways of checking the above, but it can get complicated. Especially if the LEDs are muliplexed (hence very high currents - maybe 70mA - but only for 10% to 30% of the time etc).
And I was dumb enough to say above "
But I'll say more on that later... (referring to your calcs "by the book"). So solely due to commitment (and not my need to ramble)....
You will probably find that - especially for LEDs - near enough is close enough.
I used to do my (12-1.7)V/20mA for cars etc. That became (12-2)V/mA = 10V/mA etc.
Then like others I ignored the LEDs ~2V drop (for 12V).
Why? Because:
: 2V in 12V is under 20% error - not much (for LEDs).
: 12V is really 13.8V typically; often 14.4V or more (ie, ~20% error!)
: resistors came in "preferred values" bands of ~20% gap - ie, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27 ec Ohms. Your 147R would have been 150R (else 120R or 180R)
: resistors has a tolerance of 10% (so 150R could be 135-165R)
etc etc etc.
Although much has changed - like although "preferred values" may still be the E10 scale as above, their (manufacturing) tolerance is now 1% (not 10% or 5% etc), the approximations haven't.
Why? Because LEDs tolerate and operate under a wide voltage variation. [This is what that other-site's "discussion" was about - someone claiming a "non-tolerance" (at the risk of thermal runaway) but the supplying all the evidence to prove me correct - though they tried to provide a "temperature measuring" document as a "proof of thermal runaway" for "LEDs without resistors".]
Anyhow, because LEDs can now be 3.4V, maybe their voltage can't be ignored. (Though you see the relative similarity between 10, 20 & 30mA when ignoring 1.7V & 3.4V in a mere 5V supply!).
But I'd do your 14.4v-3.4v)/147ohms as (15-3)/150 = 15/150 = 100mA (else maybe 12/150 = 80mA).
A better example may be calculating the resistor assuming 14.4V etc:
R = (14.4-3.4)V/20mA = 550R => 560R (preferred E10 value); or
R = ~10/0.2 = 500 => 470R or 560R (preferred E10 values).
Rats - that last shows a typical problem. One might normally chose the 479R cos it's closer. Or would one chose the 560R anyhow because it's "safer" (less current), or because we know we rounded the voltage down hence getting a lower resistance than reality, or we allow for higher than 14.4V, etc etc.
It is an experience thing....
If in doubt, do it by the book. But do "rough checks" with simple figures as I have shown. You may find you are out by orders of magnitude (ie, 56R instead of 560R), or that rough is good enough.
Damn I hate commitments.
Maybe I should have breakfast eh?
The I'll re-read by ramble. (Why can't we post-edit after later replies....).
If it makes sense, maybe you can confirm the power (wattage) rating of the resistors?
If the original LEDs are 1.7V from a 14.4V supply, those 147R resistors must be 1W (if not multiplexed) - and I doubt that they are!
But you said it was powered from a UART serial line.... Do you mean the board is signalled via the UART (or the LEDs are controlled via the UART... nah) - because AFAIK UARTs are not for powering - only signalling (and using a serial signal for multiplexing or powering ... )
Got it! The UART may have a regulated output - eg - a 5V supply (ie serial-in to digital-logic out - eg, RS232 to CPU etc).
Is that what is done? That makes sense with the existing "low" 147R.
If the 5V is only powering the LEDs, a dimmer is possible (though probably undesirable).