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2010 Honda CR-V Alarm/Remote Start

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Member - Posts: 8
Member spacespace
Joined: December 11, 2015
Posted: December 11, 2015 at 11:20 PM / IP Logged  
kreg357 wrote:

Here is a link to a wire guide WEB site that will help you a bunch :

I actually saw that website before....but the (+) Parking Light Wire is the only one they don't have a picture for.
Copper - Posts: 323
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Posted: December 11, 2015 at 11:34 PM / IP Logged  
Tell us what connections you have made so far ?
Member - Posts: 8
Member spacespace
Joined: December 11, 2015
Posted: December 11, 2015 at 11:39 PM / IP Logged  
triniforever wrote:
Tell us what connections you have made so far ?
I did mention it before, but I think it got lost with all those images I posted. Here is is copied:
"So far, from images 3 and 4, I have been able to locate with fairly high certainty and connected the 12-pin harness except for Gray and White and all 3 of the 8-pin harness wires. It was getting late so I was gonna tackle the 6-pin harness tomorrow."
Member - Posts: 8
Member spacespace
Joined: December 11, 2015
Posted: December 12, 2015 at 11:22 PM / IP Logged  
Good News! I was able to get the starter completely hooked up and it works! To go back to my original post, the (+) Parking Light Wire was actually the red wire in the same harness as "Red 6" but not the one I pointed the arrow to.
I tested the starter 3 times and it worked and I was able to shut it off with the brake pedal as intended so I was quite happy. It took me approximately 10 hours start to finish.
While it works, it isn't 100% where I want it to be yet. Here are some remaining questions I have:
1) How do you remove the stupid driver kick panel? I need to get inside to connect the power lock wires but it wouldn't move. I pulled so hard, part of it started to break.
2) The remote start only works with the antenna attached and the instructions show the antenna should be located near the top of the windshield. So:
      A) How do you run the wire from under the dash through the top of the dash?
      B) Taping a wire up the whole side of my windshield seems tacky. Is there a better option or can it be at the bottom of the windshield?
3) The gray wire is supposed to connect to the provided hood pin to prevent the car from remote starting when the hood is open.
      A) How do I run a wire from under the dash out to the engine without drilling a hole?
      B) I will have to drill a hole for the hood pin; any suggestions on a good location?
4) 2 features I didn't connect, and I don't know if they are worth it are the horn chirp when the car remote starts and the trunk pop with the key fob. I wouldn't mind the trunk pop, but as far as I understand the instructions, I would need to buy a relay and connect it which seems more trouble than it's worth.
Like I said, the remote start works so if I can't fix any of that, it doesn't matter that much. I can always secure the antenna under the dash, I just think the range wouldn't be as good. I would like my wife to be able to start the car from inside her work.
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