Here ya go:
| 12V|lt blue/red (10A) *1|+ |ignition harness |
| STARTER|yellow |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND STARTER|PURPLE / brown *12 |- |ignition harness |
| IGNITION|pink/white |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|*11 | | |
| POWER LOCK|PURPLE / green *3 |- |conn. 3, pin 21 @ BCM *2 |
| POWER UNLOCK|same wire | | |
| LOCK MOTOR|tan/white | |conn. 2, pin 10 @ BCM *2 |
| UNLOCK MOTOR|tan/lt. green | |conn. 2, pin 28 @ BCM *2 |
| DISARM DEFEAT|tan/brown | |conn. 2, pin 26 @ BCM *2 |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|WHITE/ brown *8 | |headlight switch |
| HEADLIGHTS|same wire | | |
| DOOR TRIGGER|*4 |- |BCM *2 |
| DOME SUPERVISION|use door trigger | | |
| TRUNK/HATCH PIN|PURPLE / orange *9 |- |conn. 3, pin 29 @ BCM *2 |
| HOOD PIN|PURPLE / lt. blue |- |conn. 3, pin 30 @ BCM *2 |
|TRNK/HTCH RELEASE|*10 | |*10 |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|PURPLE / lt. blue |*5 |conn. 3, pin 14 @ BCM *2 |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|same wire | | |
| TACHOMETER|*6 | |ignition coil pack |
| SPEED SENSE|blue/orange | |PCM *7 |
| BRAKE WIRE|WHITE/ tan |+ |brake pedal switch |
| HORN TRIGGER|GREEN/ purple |- |steering column |
| WIPERS|brn/wht & brn/org |+ |wiper motor |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|org/lt grn - org/wht|A |drivers window switch |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|org/tan - org/gry |A |drivers kick panel |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN|org/blu - org/lt blu|A |drivers kick panel |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN|org/gry - org/grn |A |drivers kick panel |
| RADIO 12V|gray/red |+ |radio |
| RADIO SWITCH|blue/pink |+ |radio |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|ORANGE / tan |+ |radio |
| LF SPEAKER|green - grn/brn | |radio |
| RF SPEAKER|gray - gray/brn | |radio |
| LR SPEAKER|grn/blu - grn/org | |radio |
| RR SPEAKER|gry/blu - gry/org | |radio |
NOTE: Chrysler vehicles that use a gray ignition key have an immobilizer system that needs to be bypassed when remote starting. Use DEI part number 555C or 555U. *1 This wire is rated at 10 amps only. If installing any system with high current outputs, go to battery for 12v. *2 The BCM is in the drivers kick panel near the parking brake. It has 5 plugs in it, one 6 pin plug and four 34 pin plugs. *3 Lock is negative trigger thru a 5.3K ohm resistor. Unlock is negative trigger thru a 2.0K ohm resistor. MUST use relays. *4 There are separate door triggers for each door, they are all in connector 3 at the BCM. The driver door trigger is purple in pin 6, the passenger door is PURPLE / white in pin 7, the left sliding door is PURPLE / gray in pin 8, and the right sliding door is purple / YELLOW in pin 5. Use all four and diode isolate each. See directfax document #1076 for wiring information. *5 Arm is negative trigger thru a 1.5K ohm resistor, this will also lock the doors. Disarm is negative trigger thru a 9.1K ohm resistor, if use double pulse this will also unlock the doors. MUST use relays. *6 On the 2.4L use blue/green or blue/tan. On the 3.3L/3.8L use blue/green, blue/tan or blue/orange. *7 The PCM is behind the driver side headlight. VSS is in the gray plug, pin 66. *8 The parking lights are negative trigger thru a 2.1K ohm resistor. The headlights are negative trigger thru a 790 ohm resistor. There is a rest resistance on the wire, so MUST use a relay to isolate away from the switch. See directfax document #1082 for wiring information. *9 A diode must be placed inline on this wire to avoid problems with the dome lights and parking lights. *10 Hatch release is PURPLE / tan in connector 2, pin 6 at the BCM. It is negative trigger thru a 1.69K ohm resistor. Left power sliding door is PURPLE / blue in connector 3, pin 1 at the BCM. It is negative trigger thru a 1.5K ohm resistor. Right power sliding door is the same wire as the left and it is negative trigger thru a 2.7K ohm resistor. Must use relays. *11 Accessory is not required for remote start. *12 The second starter wire is negative trigger thru a 180 ohm resistor. MUST use relay. Refer to directfax document #1083 for wiring information.