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Copper - Posts: 212
Copper spacespace
Joined: June 04, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: December 03, 2003 at 1:18 PM / IP Logged  
I was looking on eBay at boxes and came across a guy that builds custom boxes for cheap for those of you that wouldn't want to build your own. I told him I was looking into an Eclipse sw8102dvc and here is what he wrote back (oh, and I asked for 1"MDF):
     The thickest we carry is 3/4" MDF, to get 1" we would have to special order it which would include an added fee. We've built a few boxes for the eclipse woofers, one  particular 15" Aluminum using 3/4" MDF coated with fiberglass on the interior - it held up very well with no problems whatsoever. I recomend 3/4" because of the cost factor, we can layer it with fiberglass on the interior to help with strength and seal it tight, for less than the added cost of 1" MDF. I usually include measurements for you to look over, however I would hate to give you the wrong measurements - I need to check on the mounting depth and cutout diameter before I can give you accurate measurements for you to look over and OK.
Using 3/4" MDF sealed and carpeted with a terminal included and a double baffle would run you approximately $40.00.
Using 3/4" MDF sealed and carpeted with a terminal included and a doube baffle, with the interior of the box reinforced with fiberglass would run you approximately $55.00.
If you want to give me the zip code to ship the item to, I'll check on shipping costs for you. The costs should run anywhere from $20 - $35, I'm assuming in the lower range though.
If you want to get ahold of him, his name is Josh or his website is
Oh, and he is an Eclipse fan...
Copper - Posts: 78
Copper spacespace
Joined: August 04, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: December 03, 2003 at 1:32 PM / IP Logged  
this guy cant be making a living building these boxes at that price! For a sub box that is 2 cu. ft. it takes at least a half a sheet of mdf. Mdf in AL costs about $22 per sheet (4' x 8'). Plus a good terminal at $4 -$6, and carpet. Your looking at about $20 labor for this box, I wouldn't build one for that to sell.
2003 Silverado Ext. cab
Kenwood mp922
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Gold - Posts: 2,314
Gold spacespace
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Posted: December 03, 2003 at 2:21 PM / IP Logged  
I agree with dcgc he has to be making very little. I would suggest you get a quote for 1 inch with a double baffle (2 inch) and a total volume of 1.25 cuft (make sure he calculates the baffle). If you can get it for around $100 then it’s not worth building yourself.
Copper - Posts: 212
Copper spacespace
Joined: June 04, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: December 03, 2003 at 2:22 PM / IP Logged  

I asked about 1" but he said it would cost more because he would have to special order it. I will ask about how much more it costs though.

Gold - Posts: 2,314
Gold spacespace
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Posted: December 03, 2003 at 2:26 PM / IP Logged  
Also make sure he uses screws no more then 1.5-2 inches apart.
Platinum - Posts: 5,353
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Posted: December 03, 2003 at 3:05 PM / IP Logged  
I would still glass all the inside seams, this is something I usually do as well with these subs.
Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.
Copper - Posts: 212
Copper spacespace
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Posted: December 03, 2003 at 4:11 PM / IP Logged  

What he came up with was:

"Using 3/4" MDF External Dimensions: 9" x 18.5" x 18.25"
Using 1" MDF External Dimensions: 9.75" x 19" x 18.75
Let me know if those would be ok. I called for special ordering of 1" MDF, it would run you an extra 35.77." Then to have it shipped to Washington would be 31.00.
So total, to have a 1" mdf box with the above mentioned dimensions internally coated with fiberclass would be about $122 shipped. Good price in my opinion.
Gold - Posts: 2,314
Gold spacespace
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Posted: December 03, 2003 at 4:25 PM / IP Logged  

Sounds like a good price to me. As far as the volume goes it looks good however if your going with a double baffle he needs to include that in the volume calculations.

Silver - Posts: 866
Silver spacespace
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Posted: December 03, 2003 at 7:11 PM / IP Logged  

Wow thats insanely cheap!

Shipping would be a ton,  sounds to good to be true to me.....Hope you dont get screwed over.

I need quality equipment, feel free to donate.
Member - Posts: 26
Member spacespace
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Posted: January 30, 2004 at 1:15 AM / IP Logged  

im building a box how often do i space the braces

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