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Installer Pay

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Silver - Posts: 584
Silver spacespace
Joined: June 21, 2004
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Posted: July 01, 2004 at 10:58 PM / IP Logged  
Hey guys I'm new here and like to say hi.
I was just wondering your guys' take on my situation.
I've been installing for Circuit sh*ty for a little over 2 years. I was an installer at their #1 volume store in the company. I just relocated to Southern California. I am very unhappy installing there. I get $700 every two weeks not including bonus, which goes up to $300. Should I suck it up and stay there and ask for more money? Or can I make more money and deal with less B.S. at Good Guys, Best Buy, or a mom an pop shop?
Silver - Posts: 642
Silver spacespace
Joined: August 20, 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: July 07, 2004 at 11:58 AM / IP Logged  
not really, 700 is ok for an install job.  The only way to get beyond the installer pay barrier is either through commission or working for a contract shop/Manufacturer shop.
Member - Posts: 1
Member spacespace
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Posted: July 08, 2004 at 1:56 PM / IP Logged  

depends on the type of work you do if you mainly do heads speakers and amps 350=700 every 2 weeks isnt bad ive never worked for circuit city,but i have worked for bolth good guys and mom and pop shops,,,,good guys pays commision vs. short fall so depending on your location you can make big money,i was at the Beverly store so Crackin' 1100 bucks every 2 weeks was a regular thing....but you were only aloud to hit short fall twice before you get written up......i relocated recently so had to leave the good guys but now im at a shop that pays 55% of all installs but i have no short fall,so its feast or famine ,but im making more here then i was at good guys thankfully,,,all i can really say is you need to be patient and keep looking for the jobs that will benifit YOU theres alot of shops you can go to,ALOT will try to take advantage of an installer,,,,if your worth the money AND you know your worth it,,,,,go out and get it,,theres a shop willing to work with ya.....................thats just my 2 cents

Copper - Posts: 3
Copper spacespace
Joined: December 21, 2002
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Posted: July 09, 2004 at 2:28 AM / IP Logged  
I have to echo the statement above...ALOT of shops will try to take advantage of the installers, alot of the salesman try to take advantage and push the installers around and bully them into doing things cheaper and unwise. Be sure that you know HOW your pay is structured. If it is commission be sure you know where the control of the rates sit, and where you stand on issues of safety, ethics, and liabilites. I kid you not, some stores really will abuse their installers by discounting jobs, selling without apropriate concern over application, and getting installers to do unwise installs. Add that to the very real possibility of a shop that charges it's installers damages (even cost of supplies) and you can have an installer who suddenly is very unhappy! If you are on a commission get a contract, take home a copy before accepting and even have it looked over legally if possible (especially if you are moving a million miles). In the end though with a healthy store that treats it's installers half decient, you're best money in in commission and if you do not have work they ussally have little to say about what you do with your time.
A good installer on 50% comm can expect to clear $500 to $1000 a week (after taxes) in most areas I have seen. I do stress though in these stores, know what protect your labor rates, and how the jobs are handled. Also keep your own records on your jobs to check against what you get paid.
Roy C. Jarrett
I have been in doing this for this long because I enjoy it more than what I trainned for (comp prog/elec repair), and I am slightly nuts!
Hey 23 yrs and counting...
Member - Posts: 1
Member spacespace
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Posted: July 14, 2004 at 10:49 PM / IP Logged  
I work for circuit city and i make over 900 dollars every two and I also get bonus about 400 and up dollars a month. You may want to try asking for more money?
Member - Posts: 7
Member spacespace
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Posted: August 14, 2004 at 12:03 AM / IP Logged  
lol nice guys you make more than me.... i work for hh gregg and im only making around 450 every two weeks and its hard to stay out of a draw... so tell me what i can do... i also live in ohio lol
Copper - Posts: 3
Copper spacespace
Joined: December 21, 2002
Location: United States
Posted: August 14, 2004 at 8:05 AM / IP Logged  
I have found no ryme or reason to pay rates offered (let alone how often the pay and the promise are not the same). I have seen hacks that can live like Rock Stars, and craftsmen that barely can afford to pay for their apartment after getting gas for their AMC Pacer! It can be especially bad in a big city where a guy can churn out some real ditruction, and as it starts to come back on him in mass jet over to the next "Free Eddie's Gadget Emporium" to start again. I would not mind if the install rate wars, and the temptation to cut a deal from the installers wallet would come to an end. I do hate the day that "free install" raised it's serpent head.
Wouldn't you like to know that you are getting paid in a reasonable and ethical fashion. That the pressure to produce would not over-welm the desire to create, and the product of your labors would be seen as having value for it's quality, not as a hinderance to the next sale, and only really worth any real attention if the customer starts complainning then or within the warrenty period?
Why is it that High-End installations are seen more as advertising than profitable endevours? How often is the $5k job is 60% labor or 20% ( or less ) labor? How often is the guys doing a $25 starter bypass for dealers or fleets making more ( or WAY more ) than the high-ender sweating over the 3 day or week long (or more) job for a guy that uses money for TP?
I think it is time for installers to expect to be paid for what they do, and what they deserve. It is a radical idea I know but it would be nice huh?
So would world peace......
Roy C. Jarrett
I have been in doing this for this long because I enjoy it more than what I trainned for (comp prog/elec repair), and I am slightly nuts!
Hey 23 yrs and counting...
Silver - Posts: 1,070
Silver spacespace
Joined: February 12, 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: August 16, 2004 at 5:17 PM / IP Logged  
I make about 1200-1400/week CDN as an installer. I make straight commision. 50% of the work I do.
Shaughn Murley
Install Manager, Dealer Services
Visions Electronics
Red Deer, Alberta
Copper - Posts: 72
Copper spacespace
Joined: July 19, 2004
Location: Canada
Posted: August 16, 2004 at 6:53 PM / IP Logged  
extreme1: WHERE DO YOU WORK?!?!?!? lol
Silver - Posts: 1,070
Silver spacespace
Joined: February 12, 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: August 16, 2004 at 11:03 PM / IP Logged  
Visions electronics.
Probably one of the best paying places I've seen, both in install and salesman.
On top of the install commision I also make a percentage of the profit from all the install parts, kits harness's etc.
Shaughn Murley
Install Manager, Dealer Services
Visions Electronics
Red Deer, Alberta
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