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Copper - Posts: 275
Copper spacespace
Joined: April 15, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 01, 2004 at 11:51 PM / IP Logged  

I have always wanted to install for a shop and I got my chance......I would describe it as a day late and a dollar short. I did learn alot in my short time there and despite the low pay and having to file a 'non-payment of wages' complaint form....I'm glad I had a chance to do it. I've never been afraid to take apart a car, but I got very efficient and learned a few time savers.

I was an Electronics Technician in the U.S. Navy, specializing in Rf communication systems and automated message traffic systems.  Instead of re-enlisiting, I joined the civilian population again and earned an AS degree in Computer Networking.

I have Fiber Optics Installer's & Technician's certifications, as well as MECP basic.

Strangely enough, I'm currently repairing and calibrating LASER measurement equipment. I have multiple interests and talents when it comes to technology.

I still install stereos and fix cars after work and over weekends. sometimes I wire networks, electrical, plumbing, HVAC ect... 

I'm always learning something new and that's what keeps things interesting.

Copper - Posts: 255
Copper spacespace
Joined: December 29, 2003
Location: Florida, United States
Posted: August 03, 2004 at 12:25 PM / IP Logged  

Well i started off by doing some small things like home stereos (not serious stuff...just plug into the wall then speaker wire to the speakers) now i have started to get into car audio. After i get out of high school (yea finally a senior) i would like to go to school and be certified to install car audio. Right now its just a hobby for me but i would like for it to become a career and would like to learn all i can...which is why im here. i read almost every thread that comes through just to see if i can learn something. But so far i have built a few boxes tuned a couple of amps but just learning...dont wanna do too much and screw someones stuff up! but keep it up guys, keep this board going and thanks for doing what ya do!


2007 Acura TSX
SQ setup in the works
Copper - Posts: 65
Copper spacespace
Joined: August 07, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 09, 2004 at 2:00 PM / IP Logged  

I started building speaker boxes when I got a jigsaw for Christmas, at age 9, with any kind of components and material I could find. Since then it has always benn an obsession of mine to strive for perfect sound. I got my first MTX 12's when I was 10 and ran them of of an old marantz stereo receiver.  At the local college I took basic acoustics and studio recording at age 17. At age 18 I got started in a career in live concert production mixing sound for a wide variety of bands. After all the traveling wore me down 5 years later and decided to start a family with my wife I settled into the 9-5 job of permanent A / V systems design which I've been doing for around 2 years. Though I love what I do, my heart is still in car audio and that is were almost all of my spare time is spent.

My wife will never understand why, lucky for her!
Silver - Posts: 381
Silver spacespace
Joined: August 04, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 10, 2004 at 8:02 PM / IP Logged  

Hey guy's, first off I have to say that this forum is great. I have learned a whole lot in the past week reading all of the posts.

        Ok, My name is Chris. I started dabbling in car audio back in the late 80's (the days when the epicenter was the Sh*t and MTX was considered by many as crap) and after a few years and a few installs I decided that I wanted to jump in Home Theater. All of the installs that I have done were primarily in my vehicles and a few in other family members cars. I am not a big tycoon when it comes to car audio but at the same time I didn't just fall off of the turnup truck either.

    I have never worked in car audio rather I have worked as a machinist for the past 13 years. Well, thats just a little bit about me

Alpine CDA-9833 HU
Diamond Audio M661 Components
MTX Thunder T6.6 Components:rear fill:
Cadence Q400 4 Channel Mains + rears
Thunder 801D Subs
MTX 1004 10's
Dual 4g wire to rear
4g grounds
Member - Posts: 10
Member spacespace
Joined: July 25, 2004
Location: Canada
Posted: August 10, 2004 at 8:04 PM / IP Logged  

Yeah well, here I go...

I never really worked in installing car stereos, but have done all my own. I used to do piecework for a local car audio shop making fiberglass enclosures. At one point, I had a few shops calling me for my work. My pride and joy to this day was a pink honda civic crx which I did a killer job fiberglassing the whole rear area of the car to house 4 fosgate 12" subs. Mind you, the driver of the car was a pretty hot chick, and I asked her out, we did, and 4 years later, we're still married. That was the pick up joint around town, LOL.

Not too often you meet a "life partner" (politically correct for homo/heterosexuals) that is nuttier over amps and subs, then knick knacks for those unused shelves in your house! LOL.

Now, I do all kinds of fiberglassing customs, in and out of the vehicle.

There's my penny for my thoughts... Can I have my change now?

Member - Posts: 31
Member spacespace
Joined: August 12, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 13, 2004 at 1:42 PM / IP Logged  

My career started 4 years ago when my obsession led me to attend Mobile Dynamics in Toronto Canada. After 6 short weeks I was MECP certified basic installer, and also passed the test for First class installer. Because I didn't have 1 year experiance installing, I could not recieve the certificate.  Shortly after that I started working at a small install shop.  I was there for a year, and decided to change direction to be closer to home. I was working for a security company, installing residential and comercial alarm and fire systems(still 12 volt).  After a couple years of that my focus was turned to car audio once again.  I am now working for an awsome company in Annapolis MD. I have been here since April 2003. We do high end A/V, Home and car.  For example, next week I will be working on a Lamborghini Gallardo.  I love what I do for a living.  There is nothing better than getting paid for what started out to be just a hobby.

Member - Posts: 8
Member spacespace
Joined: August 13, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 13, 2004 at 7:37 PM / IP Logged  

I have been researching some car audio sites on the web and liked this one the best for is value and information.

I am 19 from Indiana. I raced electric and nitro rc cars since age 11 and this devoped a love for mechanical and electrical things. I do many custom mods to autos for friends and I always do it for free, you can't pay for experiece. I have been installing misc car stereo equip. since I was 14, I have purchased many audio books and have done some homework. Last year I went to Purdue for Mechanical Engineering but as times have changed, I have decided to go to Valparaiso University here in Indiana (ranked 27th best engineering school in US) but have decided to go along the Electrical Engineering route now. I wish I could multi discipline but thats another story. All we have here is corn and the steel industry so I hope to land a job for GM one day, or becoming a member of the Corvette C5-R racing team. I would like to do some design work for an audio company but I find most of them to be in California, just a bit skeptical about moving out that way. If school didnt get in the way I would be off to Canada to get MECP certified but finding the time is hard. I hope you enjoy me on the board. Robert

Platinum - Nominee - Posts: 2,748
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Location: Afghanistan
Posted: August 14, 2004 at 9:46 PM / IP Logged  

Guess the OLD Installers should get in on this too.

My first professional install was a Craig 4 & * Track Floor Mount for Gary Puckett and the Union Gap...........Circa 1969.........Boy I feel old
Mobile Electronics is the only real job I've known.  Have seen them come and go, but I sure love the progress the manufacturers have made in the last 5 years.  Video seems to be a big part of our work now, along with Remote Starts and Cruise Control. The Car Manufacturers are back to their old tricks of trying to offer what Installers have been doing for years.
Well, enough of the rambling..........
GREAT SITE and I hope everyone who contributes spreads the word.



Don't Learn from Others Mistakes
You Might Be the One That Knows.
Platinum - Nominee - Posts: 2,748
Platinum - Nominee spaceThis member consistently provides reliable informationspace
Joined: September 30, 2003
Location: Afghanistan
Posted: August 14, 2004 at 9:48 PM / IP Logged  

Guess the OLD Installers should get in on this too.

My first professional install was a Craig 4 & 8 Track, with the FM Cartridge,  Floor Mount for Gary Puckett and the Union Gap..(Young Girl).........Circa 1969.........Boy I feel old
Mobile Electronics is the only real job I've known.  Have seen them come and go, but I sure love the progress the manufacturers have made in the last 5 years.  Video seems to be a big part of our work now, along with Remote Starts and Cruise Control. The Car Manufacturers are back to their old tricks of trying to offer what Installers have been doing for years.
Well, enough of the rambling..........
GREAT SITE and I hope everyone who contributes spreads the word.


P.S. MUNTZ where are you??

Don't Learn from Others Mistakes
You Might Be the One That Knows.
Member - Posts: 8
Member spacespace
Joined: August 13, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 15, 2004 at 9:38 AM / IP Logged  
I just wanted to make a note, if I get employed by GM, it would be my life long goal to change their stupid double DIN stereo design..........then again that was never as bad as having to put the stereo in the center of my old 93 Sierra, now that was a horrible stereo design!
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