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Copper - Posts: 153
Copper spacespace
Joined: May 27, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 25, 2004 at 8:41 AM / IP Logged  
Well I guess I will hop on here too. I would first of all like to say what a wonderful sight this is. I have been hooked on here for over a year. There are so many of you that are just so knowledgeable that it isn't even funny. I would like to thank 2 particular people though because of their going beyond the call. They are xetmes and draasch. If you ever need help with a circuit design, call on xetmes and if you have any alarm questions, draasch is the man!! You 2 rock!
As for myself I am 29 and I have been installing at my house since I was around 13 years old. I have never taken any formal training courses and before coming here, I tought myself everything from reading and reading Car Audio and Electronics, books, and other magazines, and as well just on the job training. Mostly from the school of hard knocks is what I could say. I am not afraid to try anything. I have done many installs for myself and have done many for friends. I started my own business out of my home about 8 years ago and thought that one day I would progress to a store front but that day still hasn't arrived. My passion for car audio is still there, but I would rather work in the home theater side. More lucrative and more money in it. I was working with fiberglass over 5 years ago on a friends Dodge extended cab and have done many fiberglass projects since then. I have been building boxes since I was 13. I am currently redoing my entire vehicle from head to toe and will be excited to show it off when it's done. I don't claim to know alot, but I do know some. I like the old school stuff better than the new stuff, but I am trying to see the light and look at what else is out there.
With the help of this sight and all of you though my knowledge has increased and to my family I am now more dangerous than I was before. To that I would like to thank each and everyone of you as well because there is nothing like pissing off someone who doesn't appreciate a fine stereo system.
Member - Posts: 37
Member spacespace
Joined: January 18, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 25, 2004 at 2:30 PM / IP Logged  

Well I am relatively new to this forum but I will chime in. Real name is Derrik; I have 10 years in the install bay and 3 years as a DIY for friends. 3 years ago I decided to go Installer Institute and get my MECP cert. the program was great and a lot of fun but it just reiterated the fact that MECP only gives you the basics and without the bay experience your still a noob. On the other hand the courses in fabrication and box building helped me to take my game to a new level. I work at a shop In Kansas City, Mo.  In the Hood where I have the great opportunity of helping all the street pharmacists spend there money. (I don’t care where they get the money as long as they listen to me when they want to spend it on Music for there Caddy) my day to day stuff is alarms and Remote starts and deck and 2's or 4's.  And average at least 2 $3000 or more complete systems a month. I hate doing the everyday stuff alarms irritate me but it pays the bills.  I build Computers and mod them in my free time I helped create, build and maintain a Computer modding website there I am known as ThEChRoNiC but lately I haven’t had time to keep up on it so the Site founder and the rest of the staff make do with out me. My love is building for SQ but nobody around here cares (just make it boom man). So I do it for my self. I am currently in the process of building my 96 Dodge Neon Coupe into a killer SQ car using Clarion, Polk, and still undecided on what amps I want. 

Nice to meet everybody.

MECP Cert.
18 years Exp.
Support your local Installer
Still love what I do! :)
Velocity Motors 
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Joined: March 08, 2002
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Posted: July 25, 2004 at 6:37 PM / IP Logged  
Welcome aboard Derrik and I too love the SQ game ! I find that it take alot more finesse to complete a SQ system than a SPL wagon. Don't get me wrong on the SPL portion of the game, it still requires engineering and some good skills in producing an award winning SPL wagon, but that's just my opinion. I love the challenge of making an everyday driver into a competition vehicle with some impressive sounds and sights.
Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA
Silver - Posts: 642
Silver spacespace
Joined: August 20, 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: July 25, 2004 at 10:18 PM / IP Logged  
ya.... i am kind of a 'sights' person.
Silver - Posts: 769
Silver spacespace
Joined: June 17, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 26, 2004 at 10:35 AM / IP Logged  
I'm Ray, and I'm 40.  I am a 19 year vet in the Air Force and I have been installing professionally for over 12 years now.  I've been all over the world and have performed installs on a variety of vehicles.  I have my MECP 1st class certification and a BS in Computer-Aided Drafting.  I own a 03 Altima, a 03 Trailblazer and a 92 honda accord.  My vehicles can be viewed on both Sounddomain and under the name of Raydawg357.  Yes, I'm a traveling man.
Do it right the first time
Silver - Posts: 618
Silver spacespace
Joined: July 11, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 26, 2004 at 4:11 PM / IP Logged  

hey Qinstaller, i'm from KC, MO also. where do you work? anyway....

my name is Kelly and i''m 23 yr. old. i'm married with a 3yr. old boy. i've been working at Best Buy for 2 yrs and am (well sorta) Senior Installer. the sorta part is that i am also in the Missouri Army Guard and have been activated again.  good news is that i have been state side. Nov. 2003 i was called up and am currently at Ft. Bragg, NC as Military Police until spring '05.

Copper - Posts: 75
Copper spacespace
Joined: January 12, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 27, 2004 at 9:25 AM / IP Logged  
Have been an installer for 15 years and now own Boomer Mcloud in Florida Store # 110 out of 110 stores in the Northeast we are the first one to enter Florida.
Copper - Posts: 112
Copper spacespace
Joined: July 17, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 29, 2004 at 4:26 PM / IP Logged  

Im a active duty US Marine stationed in southern South Carolina.  Im an Ordnance Technician on F-18 Delta Fighter Attack Hornets.  I got into car audio by installing my buddies decks in their cars in the barracks parking lot, and led to building boxes and systems in the same parking lot.  Word was spread around and a stero shop owner heard about me and offerd me a part time job.  So now I work for Absolute Audio in Beaufort South Carolina.  I do most of the installs and systems, audio and some video.  And a lot of retail and shiping/ordering.  Im not as "salty" or vetraned as most of you but I can do most of the basics and intermediate stuff, and if i dont know the answer to a question im really good at finding out how to get it.  Id love to get my MECP but time doesnt allow, my boss at the audio store said he'd pay my tuition aswell, unfortunatly, during this time, my squadron won't let me take 4 weeks of leave.  I just wanna say this sight rocks and has helped me dramatically in my install side of life.  I own a 01 Dodge Ram reg cab 4X4. Thats about it,   OOOOOOORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Member - Posts: 45
Member spacespace
Joined: May 18, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 30, 2004 at 5:07 PM / IP Logged  
<--Newbie =}  well i work at my grandpas sawmill as a mechanics and i work in the MDF warehouse. other then that i spend the rest of my time building custom cars, i own a 1970 chevelle , 1969 oldmobile and a 68 mustang, with 3 car my money get spread out fast and make work slow but i wouldnt give them up for the world, i lov to drive my cars every wher. i once drove to the east coast by my self and drove 20hours the 1st day, i also put my cars into alot of show,  ill be at Hot August Nights in Reno with my dads car heres a peep  i do every thing on my cars my self learning as i go, i gotta have the biggest the badbest and the loudest=}
Copper - Posts: 198
Copper spacespace
Joined: March 18, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: August 01, 2004 at 8:01 PM / IP Logged  
Wow after reading all of those Im almost embarrassed to post my own stuff.  Im amazed at all of the knowledge on this site, Ive figured out a few of you through reading (dont let the newbie rank confuse you, for every topic I post or reply to I have read probably 200), but had no idea the extent that your experience and knowledge went.  Im only 17, a senior in high school, Ive been installing car audio and video for 3 years now, Ive got about 30-40 stereo installations and a few remote starts and alarms; Im looking for a job at a shop (anyone on here in Austin Texas need a shop boy?), but the big one aroudn here requires MECP.  I have gotten so much out of this site over the past year or two and hope it will keep me as interested in the game as I am right now.  I honestly feel like I can brag about just getting advice from a few of you on here, a few of you are like role models to me and I aspire to achieve as much as you have.
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