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Platinum - Posts: 5,353
Platinum spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Mobile Audio and Video. Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: November 01, 2003
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 5:51 PM / IP Logged  

I forgot a couple of things. I have a BS in BS (if you haven't noticed - I need some kind of title) and I got my real start installing my own stereos usually around 1:00am to 6:00am in -40 C frickin igloo weather. That is real damn cold for you southern boyz, maybe not for some of my Northern brothers in the prairies but still, damn cold even with a space heater.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.
Silver - Posts: 616
Silver spacespace
Joined: July 30, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 8:16 PM / IP Logged  
hey rob, what pimp were you referring to when u mentioned using sony products?
1990 Honda Civic HB:
Clarion DXZ545MP H.U.
2- 6.5" Power Acoustik interiors
Diamond Audio 600.1 amp
Diamond Audio 15" M6MKII
Pyramid PB881X 4 CH. Amp
Copper - Posts: 250
Copper spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: March 28, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 11:14 PM / IP Logged  
my story is completely opposite of rob's. i started out as a florida marine patrol officer (state law enforcement) when i was 19. it was a great career. six years later the job and pay lost its allure, so i quit to start my own audio business. before i quit i noticed there wasn't anyone installing stereos in boats down here in the florida keys. i thought i would only be working on boats, but i quickly filled the demand for cars and homes too. i started out small and things were slow. its been two years and i've never been happier. between ordering, research and installing, im busy everyday! word travels fast down here and i've kept my name squeaky clean. thats the key. audio is not my life but i really try to stay on top of the products, industry and tricks. i feel as if im a jack of all trades master of as many as i can. i worry too much about things i shouldn't and learn as much as i can, because i dont want to ever mess up a job or lose money. this site is one of the best tools i've found and i am thankful for it and everyone who helps. i try my best to help as well. its assuring to see that all on this site are human beings and learn everyday too.
owner of
Motion Marine & Car Audio
the florida keys
Copper - Posts: 78
Copper spacespace
Joined: August 04, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 11:43 PM / IP Logged  
My names is David. I've been an audio enthusiast for as long as I could remember. My first car had a Pioneer 8-track deck with some Pioneer 4x10's in the rear deck. I thought it sounded great (reason I got the car). That was 19 years ago. Installed all my systems in all my vehicles, constantly improving. I own and operate a home improvement/handyman service business for over three years now. I have always wanted to own and operate an audio shop. One might say that I am a know-it-all, as I just want to know everything (not there yet). Of course we all have our own opinions. I want to know why there is a short thick black hair on my arm, so I looked it up on the internet. I have been utilizing the audio forums on the "net" for about 8 months now. I did not realize there was so much info about audio. If I think that I could help (right or wrong) I may respond to a few question, even have a few myself.
Silver - Posts: 408
Silver spacespace
Joined: March 09, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 23, 2004 at 9:50 AM / IP Logged  

Wow, great topic, though I have spent quite a few hours buzzing through threads, and through time. I have sort of figured out alot of the regulars through discussions and kidding around.

But I will give my testimony so here goes........Like alot of others I have learned through trial and error. I have been a music fanatic since the days of the spoon on the high chair beats! So initially as I was getting older, My listening pleasures didn't change, LOUD!!

As time went on, I used to install for friends and their friends and so on, I purchased my first vehicle, an 88 F150, and started toying with it, in which I cut the back wall and had 8 12's in the bed. That in turn inspired me to start competition, qutie a few local competitions and one state, and I had enough of that. Didn't have the time to dedicate to the sport, as I was more into what most guys chase after!!

After the competition fun ended, I went for a while with a few small, but researched audio systems. And now have quite fallen into the trap again. But this time for SQ, not for competing, but for personnal listening and demo-ing for my buddies shop

All through the duration I have a close friend that I have used for a knowledge crutch, and also spent time working for.

I now work offshore in production on oil platforms. my schedule fits my nic, 7 and 7, so on my 7 days off, I work as an installer for my buddies shop, and try to receive and give knowledge through this thread. 

Copper - Posts: 44
Copper spacespace
Joined: February 20, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 23, 2004 at 6:12 PM / IP Logged  

Wow, that was alot of reading...Thought I'd never get my turn.

well, My name is Matthew and I've been installing for bout 17 years.  I started when I was 15 doing my own systems through trial and error and once I figured enough out I started on my friends.  Got my first "Official" installer position at 16, that job lasted bout 3 months before the owner ticked me off so I quit and moved on to another shop, stayed there till I turned 18 and then went in the military (U.S. Navy) for 4 years.  Got out of the military and went right back to Car Audio.  Moved from shop to shop for a couple years doing everything from mild to wild, lotsa fiberglass and custom stuff, then got hired at Clifford Electronics as a tech support instructor.  I might have even been to some of your shops for trainings.  I was at Clifford for about 2 1/2 years then Directed bought it out and I was out of a job.  At that point I started doing commercial and residential security, video surveillance, and access control.  Did that for 3 years and wound up back in Car audio again.  now i'm running an Audio/Video and customizing shop in a full performance center owned by the largest Ford dealership in the world....  And that's all I got to say bout that.

Never Let Those Who Say It Cant Be Done Stand In The Way While You Do It!
Silver - Posts: 879
Silver spacespace
Joined: March 18, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 23, 2004 at 7:20 PM / IP Logged  
My name is David. I have been into car audio in one way or another for a little while. Lets see I started with my older brothers 1968 pontiac tempest at 14 years old. Now I'm 38. I don't have any degrees, but I did got to the school of hard knocks. I mostly  just sell car audio amps, subs, full range speakers,wire kits, bulk wire, head units, power caps, battcaps, and anything else I can get my hands on. I work from home and the road, flea markets, shows what ever comes my way. I have done a ton of installs, but after 4 surgerys on my right knee I don't do a whole bunch now. A amp here and there. build a box now and then. I want to thank all of you guys for being on this forum. I have learned a ton here, and I hope that I have helped others too.
Big Dave
Silver - Posts: 880
Silver spacespace
Joined: May 20, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 23, 2004 at 8:19 PM / IP Logged  
Wow, I knew their was many knowledgble people on this site, but I had no idea their was to this extent. My name is August (family name..I was born in july) and compared to most everyone else I havent been into car audio for very long. Ive always seen and heard cars with nice systems and always wanted one when I got my car. Now I am finally getting to live my dream, I am in the middle of putting together a system for my Cavalier. Its slow going though, a low paying job and large insurance payments dont leave me much extra dough, but im doin the best I can. Ill be a senior in high school this fall, and im very interested in learning more about car audio, im self teaching myself right now. I greatly appreciate all the help people on here have given me. When I first visited this site I though a Audiobahn/Pyramid setup would sound great...needless to say ive learned alot from then. Well that is my story...consider it the prolouge.
Copper - Posts: 178
Copper spacespace
Joined: February 18, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 24, 2004 at 12:34 PM / IP Logged  
I am a newbie, so I hope I have authority to post in this thread. Who’s Who? - Page 4 -- posted image. My name is David.  I started when I was 13 installing decks at my dad's detail shop and moved along to alarms and RS when I was 16.  Never owned my own shop until now, but worked out of my garage installing on the weekends during college and dental school, which paid for both!!  Been out of school now for about 2 years and settled down in a small town in Oklahoma. Just got married a month ago.  Install out of my shop on the weekends, which is called Daves Audio (simple name, but I am in Oklahoma.)  Mainly doing large car audio installs and tons of remote starts.  The people around here just love remote starts, and there is no "real" car audio shop around here, so I am staying hooked up.  I ran into this site about 3 months ago between patients, and I wish I would have found it about 6 years ago.  I have a young kid that wants to learn how to install, so I have him doing his homework off  "the12volt" every day.  This site can help him a lot more than I can.  Love this thread.  It puts a little info on who responds to you in your posts.  Keep them coming!
Gold - Posts: 1,335
Gold spacespace
Joined: September 22, 2002
Location: Florida, United States
Posted: July 24, 2004 at 8:36 PM / IP Logged  
Ok my name is Kyle and ive in Florida. Im 29 years old. I just do car/alarms for mosty freinds of freinds etc. Been doing auto work for about 6 years. My main job is in the movie theaters, ive been a projectionist for 10 years, also do service work with the projectors and sound. I like to get more into auto and less in the theaters. But we see how far that goes.
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