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Copper - Posts: 141
Copper spacespace
Joined: July 19, 2004
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Posted: July 22, 2004 at 8:58 AM / IP Logged  
I'm not so much a car audio guy as I am a general audio guy. My BS is in EE, and I started right out of college designing cellphone parts for that company with the batwing lookin logo. After a few years I got hit by the budget cut bug and picked up a gig doing commercial audio (chains, retail outlets, etc...boring but it pays the bills). In college, and ever since, I've been involved in live, recorded, and broadcast audio, since I write, perform, record, mix, and consult for all of them. I've been into car audio since...well..long before class D made into mobile electronics. I've done installs for money, but I've never worked at a shop, so I suppose I'm a semi-pro here. Muy expertise is in electronics of all shapes and sizes. I dont' have the lengthy resume DYohn has, but I've done my fair share of amplifiers (switching and linear), crossovers from parts, control systems, positioning controllers, intelligent systems, etc.
OK, I'm done, Back to the technical stuff.
This is not a sig. This is a duck. Quack.
Silver - Posts: 642
Silver spacespace
Joined: August 20, 2003
Location: Canada
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 9:07 AM / IP Logged  

oooh....can I go now?    k 

My name's Josh, i'm a computer/car/electronics geek. Im 21, and have been installing professionaly for about 7 years. I have a degree in Computer Aided Design, which really helps with the custom design. Im currently the shop manager at Kawartha TV & Stereo in Peterborough, ON.   I have one employee and we have alot of creative control.  

I have worked for a few audio shops, unfortunatley Future Shop was one of them.... damn,did i ever learn my lesson.

Silver - Posts: 866
Silver spacespace
Joined: June 06, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 12:09 PM / IP Logged  

I'm 18 been into car audio and all around cars since i was 14 at least.  I'm 100% DIY.  Most all my friends that know I know what im doing have me setup and tune their systems. 

I'm getting interested in doing some fiberglass work...

I need quality equipment, feel free to donate.
Silver - Posts: 481
Silver spacespace
Joined: May 13, 2003
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 12:35 PM / IP Logged  
Ok so here's my story
The name's Duane.
I got into the audio part of cars late in life I think-I'm 27 now. It's been recently (about 2 years ago) that my love for almost all things car audio has been developed.   I've been playing around with cars since I was about 7 when my father brought home a 1978 mazda RX-4 and decided to soup it up himself. I was literally raised on rotary powered cars since. Most of my father's friends had drove sports cars with high end radios in them like blaupunkt,denon, nakamichi, and mcintosh. Back then alpine was considered to be extreme high end too. During my high school years I drove a turbo charged 72 Mazda RX-3 with a denon pull cd player in it and blaupunkt speakers. Sounded great.
Other than my high school diploma (which I just scraped by to get), I have no degrees. Along with cars, I was raised in the computer age as well and started building and servicing computers for a small store at age 18. After that I did software testing for a while. I basically got paid to play video games. Then moved on to doing telephone tech support so I initially come off as a computer geek (yep I wear glasses). All the while I still kept up on car customizing and racing and dabbled in auto cross for a bit before finally selling my all my rotary cars (it was time I had a car with air conditioning).    
I decided to make somewhat of career change after being layed off for the 4th time and 5 years (outsourcing keeps leaving me jobless) when the VERY stock speakers in my altima finally went out. The car even had the single DIN factory cassette player in it. So at the same time in replacing the speakers I replaced the head unit with a, dare I say it, Sony cd receiver. That's when the car audio bug bit me and I found this site.
So here I am. I currently (and bitterly) do software telephone support for a company that makes video editing software and do audio installs and detailing on the weekends. Other than the books and websites I've read (includinging 12 Volt), I am self taught (same way with racing and computers) And since people have seen my cargo van and my wifes 4 runner, friends are telling friends and my driveway has been alot more busy lately. I eventually would like to own my own shop or service center. I also plan on getting my MECP (mainly because of the title)as well.
There's my story. I know it's boring...but...what else should I do while I'm at work?   
If you think you're confused, imagine how you feel.   Who’s Who? - Page 3 -- posted image.
Platinum - Posts: 5,353
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Joined: November 01, 2003
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 1:25 PM / IP Logged  

Well then, most of you know who I am, if not my name is Rob Atkinson. I am the owner of two car audio stores on Vancouver Island, BC. (at least for now). I have been indirectly in this business since 1986 (graduation and into the workforce which of course led to tunes for the car). I taught myself how to install as I got sick and tired of always paying for installation for all of the WRONG equipment that was being sold to me by Mr. Commission salesperson.I have been directly involved since 1988 when I was hired to do installation for a company in Vernon, BC whom had been referring people to me and finally realized that they could make their own money off of it. The first day they were too busy on the sales floor and I ended  up helping out. After that day I was no longer allowed in the install bay (seems I could sell based on my knowledge - who would have known).

1992 brought be to the land of the Big Box in Kelowna, BC at A&B Sound, made lots of friends there, sold lots of equipment (possibly still hold the store record?) but as a good salesperson I was highly demanding of the chain of command and their lack of looking after my concerns for the customer (thus I was a big pain) meant it was time for me to move on from a good company. Back to the land of the indipendent (Andres) and continue to sell everything (not really my calling). This company was one of the best family owned businesses that one could hope to work for, real good people.

So finally I found my calling and in 1996 opened my first store, followed by a second in 2003. Forbidden Audio Ltd. Now after all my years in this business it is time for a career change. While I will still be around, maybe working for someone else in this industry and of course on forums, I am trying to head into the RCMP where I can give you guys (not all of you) tickets and remove from vehicle orders for using Sony (the crappy stuff), Bose and other real fine audio pieces that you should not have in your vehicle. Actually this was the career choice for me 15 years ago, I was just not ready for it. Someone back there nailed it, all the girls you can chase and booze you can drink...... It's been a blast in all of my years and I'm glad to have helped out so many people.

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.
Moderator - Posts: 10,741
Moderator spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Electrical Theory. Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Mobile Audio and Video. Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: April 22, 2003
Location: Arizona, United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 1:38 PM / IP Logged  
So Rob, (or should I call you Mr. Mounty, sir?) are you planning to keep your Forbidden stores going or close them down?  If you have any killer clearance sales, be sure to remember your friends here at the12volt...  Who’s Who? - Page 3 -- posted image.
Platinum - Posts: 5,353
Platinum spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spaceThis member has been recognized as an authority in Mobile Audio and Video. Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: November 01, 2003
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 1:47 PM / IP Logged  

One store is pretty much sold, the other is for sale and has been described as one of the nicest car audio salesfloors in Canada. Should I end up closing the other store down, yes there will be some deals to be had but I still must respect the site. I am not a advertiser on it and as such should not benefit from it. If Jeff does not mind this, maybe it will help out when the time comes.

 I think that Sir or Constable Atkinson would have a nice ring to it. The RCMP is not an easy job to do and it is much harder to gain entrance to as well. It will take me some time and patience, I'll just have to wait and see. So who is using Sony here? Pimp I think is......

Top Secret, I can tell you but then my wife will kill me.
Copper - Posts: 220
Copper spacespace
Joined: March 08, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 4:06 PM / IP Logged  
well i''ll go nextmy name is matt (southie) lol, but i've been doing electronics stuff since i was 8. parents always use to ask me to hook the cable. or set up the vcr or what not. then i started doing car audio when i was 19. in my first car. 8 4 door buick regal. no heat a bucket. my car audio cost more than my car lol.      i didn't do the install. i watched my now ex girls friend do it all for me. since then it has been trail an error. now i pretty much know how to do the basic installs.  but i know i need to kno a lot more about it. i haven't been a member for too long. but when i first got on here i had a sony system. Who’s Who? - Page 3 -- posted image.  an forbidden, an dyhon, squirrel, have helped me see the car audio lightWho’s Who? - Page 3 -- posted image. so thanks for all the help u guys an i hope bang bang has seen the light too lol. but thanks for all your help an continnuing support for this site an trying to help me an other s out. southie.
Platinum - Posts: 3,455
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Joined: February 07, 2004
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 4:12 PM / IP Logged  

Hey Rob, if you come to depot here, dont be a stranger.....

Kevin Gerry
Certified Electronics Technician
MECP First Class Installer
Classic Car Audio
since 1979
Copper - Posts: 174
Copper spacespace
Joined: April 29, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: July 22, 2004 at 5:21 PM / IP Logged  
wow, Think this is one of the best topic yet. Didnt know there was soo much knowledge amongst this website good to know. This site just keeps on geting better and better so why don't we put all this knowledge together? There are soo many great audio professionals here correct? so why not use it to our advantage. as i was reading all the replies i thought about something. Why don't we have a..The12volt car? Why dont we put all this knowledge together and build a crazzzzzy ride and with the money from competitions and supporters and what not we can donate it to the site? I would love to get the word out about this site and when this pimped out ride goes to competitions with this website on it u know people are going to want to visit the site. I dont really want it to be to commericialized but hey the more the merrier. I see the donate button on the side and it just makes me think about this being a good idea. Dont really want to change the subject of the topic but time is the current. rite?
I guess that guy has subs.
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