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Dirty Trick

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Copper - Posts: 198
Copper spacespace
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Posted: December 12, 2004 at 8:40 AM / IP Logged  
We had a guy get pinned against a wall by the throat from another installer doing the brake switch horn thing... Apparently everyone thought it was funny except the guy who it happened to... It was his new truck and he's really anal about taking care of his stuff... But funny as hell...I've taken the factory key fob and hid around a corner before where I could see the installer and he couldn't see me and wait for him to tag a wire with a test light and set off the alarm or something... wait till they remote start and pop the trunk... that'll get you troubleshooting for awhile! I'm still waiting to get a certain installer back... From when I took his fresh mountain dew can and a snap on pick tool and poked about 6 lil holes right below  the mouth of the can so when he took a drink he ended up wearing a couple tablespoons of it before he realized what was happening... PERFECT! hahahah
Copper - Posts: 133
Copper spacespace
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Posted: December 14, 2004 at 7:22 AM / IP Logged  

HEH, we play all those sorts of tricks here in OZ as well

Fish Oil down heater vents, wiring subs outta phase, changing firing order, connecting radio mute thru relay to brake pedal <~~~that one stumps them.

Half a can of shaving cream up the pipe is cool as well, Xmas in July anyone?

Swapped keyfobs but not the actual keys

Copper - Posts: 172
Copper spacespace
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Posted: December 14, 2004 at 9:17 PM / IP Logged  
we used to put the cars on blocks but just a couple inches off the ground, leave teh wheels on and see the frustration when they jump in and it won't move
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Posted: December 14, 2004 at 10:35 PM / IP Logged  
i have glued everyones toolbox shut in my bay. :D
Member - Posts: 21
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Posted: December 17, 2004 at 4:40 PM / IP Logged  
the funniest we did was hook a cig light up to a horn. push it it in and HONK. or change a cruise lever to a non cruise in my boses montana
Copper - Posts: 61
Copper spacespace
Joined: January 04, 2005
Location: Alaska, United States
Posted: January 05, 2005 at 6:08 PM / IP Logged  
I programmed a spare remote so that as the guy walk away from his Tahoe, I would remote start it. Freaked him out so bad, that he wanted to take out the alarm. Maen while I was just inside the bay door rolloing on the floor!Dirty Trick - Page 2 -- posted image.
Mike Ward
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Copper - Posts: 61
Copper spacespace
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Location: Alaska, United States
Posted: January 05, 2005 at 6:09 PM / IP Logged  
I programmed a spare remote so that as the guy walk away from his Tahoe, I would remote start it. Freaked him out so bad, that he wanted to take out the alarm. Mean while I was just inside the bay door rolloing on the floor!Dirty Trick - Page 2 -- posted image.
Mike Ward
Get it done right the first time!
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Posted: January 06, 2005 at 10:09 PM / IP Logged  
we hooked up a pin switch, battery and siren to a cart of an installer coming back from vacation... I came in early the next day to see his reaction and it was classic.
Eye am so re todd did.
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Posted: January 07, 2005 at 11:40 AM / IP Logged  

I'd have you up against the wall by the throat......only I d have you 10 inches off the ground all sound like a first rate bunch of comics.......gettin any work done?

Copper - Posts: 61
Copper spacespace
Joined: January 04, 2005
Location: Alaska, United States
Posted: January 07, 2005 at 1:36 PM / IP Logged  
If we can't have any "Harmless Fun", Then what is the point?
Mike Ward
Get it done right the first time!
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