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Trunk progress

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Copper - Posts: 59
Copper spacespace
Joined: August 16, 2004
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Posted: April 18, 2005 at 6:23 PM / IP Logged  
Darn right man that looks real good. I'm going to post some pics of my most recent project real soon. I only get to work on it about 2 days a week. So I want to get more done before I put up anything. After that I think I'll finnally be able to work on my car. I've been collecting equipment for it. I'll be using 3 10" audiobahn alums. 2 3-way compontent sets from audiobahn, and 2 alphasonic amps. I'm still deciding on a head unit, and I also have 2 panasonic tv's. I have some pics online from older projects too. Let me know what you think.
Trunk Monkey 
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Posted: May 23, 2005 at 11:27 PM / IP Logged  
hey, i saw the gaps u left for the trunk lid to come down, i had a brain fart, and out of it, i though of this...why not take 2 peice's of black rubber, flexible, and put them but end against each other, so it covers the gaps, but when the lid comes down, they let it close still. looks something like this...
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placid warrior 
Silver - Posts: 357
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Posted: May 24, 2005 at 1:06 AM / IP Logged  
thats a good idea...U can also use black brush bristles, i read about it before but i dont know how it would work...maybe u can buy strips of the stuff or something..mabe someone else knows what i'm talking about, but its supposed to give a really clean look. Its like the bristles that cover the gap in the floor shifter on some vehicles.
Member - Posts: 7
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Posted: May 24, 2005 at 12:52 PM / IP Logged  
How do the volfenhag subs sound I have really been debating on trying them out I have a pair of Infinity kappa 12s (green ones) and they sound great but i love the look of the volfenhag subs.
Copper - Posts: 46
Copper spacespace
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Location: Canada
Posted: May 24, 2005 at 4:17 PM / IP Logged  

You can use the inexpensive wooden handled snow brushes to cover the gap on each side. I've seen this done and that way you have something solid to mount on.

Your work is envyable, keep it up!!!

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Copper - Posts: 46
Copper spacespace
Joined: November 06, 2004
Location: Canada
Posted: May 24, 2005 at 4:19 PM / IP Logged  
The brushes are also good because they come in different colors too!
In a world full of copycats, it's great to be an original!
Copper - Posts: 81
Copper spacespace
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Posted: May 24, 2005 at 6:30 PM / IP Logged  
I had 2 of the Volfenhag 15's in my car about 2 years ago. I wanted to hear how 15's would sound in my 91 Corolla so I bought them because they were really cheap. They aren't bad at all for the money, granted they aren't the best subs in the world but they looked good and I thought they sounded pretty good as well.
Copper - Posts: 95
Copper spacespace
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Posted: May 24, 2005 at 7:21 PM / IP Logged  
The Volfenhags sound okay but I probably wouldn't get rid of some Kappas for them. In fact I took out the Volfenhag and replaced them with an Infinity Kappa Perfect.
Silver - Posts: 365
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Posted: May 24, 2005 at 10:15 PM / IP Logged  

i'd stay away from the volfs.

i sold a kid a pair, (ordered only by request!!) and he put the volf amp that was matched to them, and they punctured holes in the cones with the terminals on the back!!! proper box, and everything, and they didn't really sound good in the first place..

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