DODGE / RAM PICKUP / 2006 / Remote Start
12volts lt. blue/red (2A) + ignition harness
Starter dk. GREEN/ YELLOW + ign harn or starter button (SRT-10)
Second Starter PURPLE / brown - ignition harness
Notes: The second starter wire is negative trigger thru an 180 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay. Refer to DirectFax document 1084 for wiring information.
Ignition pink/white + ignition harness
Second Ignition N/A
Third Ignition N/A
Accessory same as second starter wire - ignition harness
Notes: The accessory wire is negative trigger thru a 610 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay. Refer to DirectFax document 1084 for wiring information.
Second Accessory N/A
Keysense N/A
Power Lock PURPLE / dk. green - DKP or cluster, sml gry plug, pin 3
Notes: Lock is negative trigger thru an 820 ohm resistor. Unlock is negative trigger thru a 330 ohm resistor. MUST use relays.
Can also use Directed 456L interface module.
Power Unlock same as power lock wire
Lock Motor lt. green 5wi DKP or cluster, white plug, pin 10
Unlock Motor tan/lt. green 5wi DKP or cluster, white plug, pin 1
Parking Lights+ WHITE/ yel (L), WHITE/ gray (R) + harness at top of driver fender
Parking Lights- WHITE/ lt. green - sw or cluster, sml gry plug, pin 5
Notes: Parking lights are negative trigger thru a 1130 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay.
Hazards WHITE/ orange - sw or cluster, sml gry plug, pin 8
Notes: Hazards are negative trigger thru a 120 ohm resistor. MUST use a relay.
Turn Signal(L) wht/lt grn (F), wht/dk grn (R) + harness at top of driver fender
Turn Signal(R) WHITE/ tan (F), WHITE/ yel (R) + harness at top of driver fender
Reverse Light WHITE/ lt. green + harness at top of driver fender
Door Trigger see notes - each kick or cluster, lrg gray plug
Notes: The LF door is purple in pin 1. The RF door is PURPLE / white in pin 4. The LR door is PURPLE / orange or PURPLE / gray in pin 2. The RR door is purple / YELLOW or tan / YELLOW in pin 3. Use all four wires and diode isolate each wire from each other and the instrument cluster. See DirectFax document 1076 for wiring information.
Dome Supervision yellow/lt. blue + A pillar or cluster, wht plg, pin 21
Trunk/Hatch Pin N/A
Hood Pin N/A
Trunk/Hatch Release N/A
Power Sliding Door N/A
Factory Alarm Arm factory remote only
Factory Alarm Disarm factory remote only
Disarm No Unlock with ignition and Sentry Key
Tachometer dk. blue/gray ac PCM, BLACK/ orange plug, pin 34
Notes: The PCM is on the passenger side firewall. The BLACK/ orange plug is the second plug down from the top.
On SRT-10 models, the tach wire is in the top black plug, pin 18.
On diesel models, the tach wire is at the ECM on the lower driver side of the engine, front 60 pin plug, pin 24, or at the camshaft position sensor just left of the ECM, in a 3 pin plug.
On gas models, can also go to any ignition coil or fuel injector and use the wire that is NOT BROWN / white.
Wait to start see DirectFax document 1091
Brake Wire WHITE/ tan + brake pedal switch
Parking Brake dk. GREEN / WHITE - sw or cluster, lrg gry plug, pin 22
Horn Trigger dk. GREEN/ purple - sw or cluster, lrg gry plug, pin 14
There are 10 types of people in the world, ones that understand binary and ones that dont.