12volts | red (x2)(common 60A) | + | ignition harness |
Starter | yellow | + | ignition harness |
Second Starter | N/A | | |
Ignition | pink | + | ignition harness |
Second Ignition | dk. green | + | ignition harness |
Third Ignition | N/A | | |
Accessory | orange | + | ignition harness |
Second Accessory | brown | + | ignition harness |
Notes: This wire must be powered as an accessory wire. If powered as a second ignition, the car will not crank. |
Keysense | lt. green | - | ign harn or BCM, gry 16P plg, pin B1 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Power Lock | ORANGE / black | - | BCM, gray 24 pin plug, pin B3 |
Notes: Lock is negative trigger thru a 470 ohm resistor. Unlock is a straight negative trigger. MUST use relays.The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Power Unlock | same as power lock wire | | |
Lock Motor | see notes | | |
Notes: Installation of factory keyless upgrade alarm is not recommended on this vehicle because the door lock motor wires rest at approximately 7 volts. |
Unlock Motor | see lock motor notes | | |
Parking Lights+ | yellow (F), BROWN / white (R) | + | passenger junction block end of dash |
Parking Lights- | white | - | BCM, pink plug, pin A2 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever.Must diode isolate this wire from the BCM to avoid Service Engine Soon light. See DirectFax document 1600 for wiring information. |
Hazards | same as turn signal wires | | |
Turn Signal(L) | lt. blue (F), yellow (R) | + | turn signal switch |
Turn Signal(R) | dk. blue (F), dk. green (R) | + | turn signal switch |
Reverse Light | lt. green | + | passenger junction block end of dash |
Door Trigger | dk. blue (L), dk. blue/wht (R) | - | BCM, gray 16 pin plug, pins A8, A1 |
Notes: Use both wires and diode isolate each. Have to also diode isolate from the BCM to prevent false alarms. Refer to DirectFax document 1076 for wiring information.The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Dome Supervision | gray | - | BCM, gray 24 pin plug, pin A8 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Trunk/Hatch Pin | RED / black | - | BCM, gray 24 pin plug, pin A11 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever.Have to also diode isolate from the BCM to prevent false alarms. Refer to DirectFax document 1076 for wiring information. |
Hood Pin | N/A | | |
Trunk/Hatch Release | black | - | BCM, gray 16 pin plug, pin A7 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Power Sliding Door | N/A | | |
Factory Alarm Arm | arms on lock with door open | | |
Factory Alarm Disarm | lt. green | - | BCM, gray 16 pin plug, pin B3 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Disarm No Unlock | see factory alarm disarm | | |
Tachometer | white | ac | Ignition Control Module |
Notes: On the 3.4L it is on the top center rear of the engine. On the 3.8L it is on the top right front of the engine. |
Wait to start | N/A | | |
Brake Wire | white | + | brake pedal switch |
Parking Brake | lt. green | - | BCM, gray 16 pin plug, pin B6 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Horn Trigger | black | - | BCM, pink plug, pin B5 |
Notes: The BCM is under the driver side dash, above the parking brake lever. |
Memory Seat 1 | N/A | | |
Memory Seat 2 | N/A | | |
Memory Seat 3 | N/A | | |