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Fiberglassing dash

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Melted Fabric 
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Posted: July 18, 2006 at 10:19 AM / IP Logged  
You can use one of the products below to fill in the cracks and crevices but be careful of your measurements, since it expands.
Hope this helps or is in the direction of what you are looking for.
Fibreglast Foam Products
Fiberglassing dash - Page 2 -- posted image.
Shopman Inc Foam Products
Fiberglassing dash - Page 2 -- posted image.
Also, I would try to use a body filler with say, fiberglass combined into it, I think someone mentioned Tiger Hair.
Tiger Hair LINK 01
Tiger Hair LINK 02
Fiberglassing dash - Page 2 -- posted image.
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Posted: July 18, 2006 at 6:53 PM / IP Logged  
what type of adheasive will not fall apart once resin is applied?
Copper - Posts: 185
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Posted: July 18, 2006 at 9:04 PM / IP Logged  
none of those products will fall appart once resined over...most adhesives will fall apart though..
i would take this as you will though...glassing directly over the leather with not be the best solution though..since it is leather i would scuff the hell out of it to open the pores up, this will allow the resin to soak into it and adhere better...
and one other thing clear coating you dash will be a very bad idea in my honest opinion..the glare while you are driving will be unbareable...i would paint it satin finish..
Fiberglass Guru.
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Posted: July 18, 2006 at 9:08 PM / IP Logged  
Thanks for info Cougar, do u know if there is any type of adhesive at all that i can use to spray under fleece?
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Posted: July 19, 2006 at 4:44 AM / IP Logged  
i believe 3m makes a high heat spray
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Copper - Posts: 178
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Posted: July 19, 2006 at 9:26 AM / IP Logged  

MeltedFabric's selection of  foam from Select Products won't fall apart when resin is applied,and I agree with crazyoldcougar, the clear on the dash will have a heck of a glare.  If this is not a daily driver, then it should be okay.  If you want as stock as possible, get some SEM texture, play around with it until you match the texture, then dye is back to the factory color.  Also, to correct the dip just apply a layer of foam, then sand and use a level or your eye until the sag is gone.  Then lay fabric over, resin, etc...  

Also, IMO, I would not use fleece on the dash because of its thickness.  I would use t-shirt material or equivalent, something that will stretch and will not be so thick.  You reall dont need a material to lay down unless you are building some sort of pod or something.  If you are following the contours of the original dash, just scuff the heck out of the dash and start laying glass.  Like stated above, be careful not to put too many layer on at once, or your dash will warp, twist, and go into strange shapes and you wont be able to screw it back in.  Just couple of layers should do the trick.  Good luck.

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Posted: July 19, 2006 at 3:44 PM / IP Logged  
Dave, are u saying i do not have to use any material to lay over the dash before the mat at all? i've never even thought about it, to tell you the truth. somehow i assumed that i had to fleece(or equivalent there of) before glassing over
Melted Fabric 
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Posted: July 19, 2006 at 4:11 PM / IP Logged  
Not to answer for Dave, but yea fleece is useful as a "guide" or if you doing custom curves and shapes. One thing my mind tells me to tell you is to strip that vinyl or leather off and then fiberglass on top of it, because unless you can the tools to scuff of that material like a knee cap sliding across a sidewalk of rough concrete.
The resin needs something to bite, cling, set, bind into. By scuffing, scraping, destroying, ...however you want to phrase it, the surface, it will allow such binding to take place.
Fiberglass on top of it, with however many layers you were intending, hopefully one is your minimumFiberglassing dash - Page 2 -- posted image. and you will be good to go.
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Posted: July 19, 2006 at 4:25 PM / IP Logged  
Hey, thanks for quick response, yeah i took vinyl off now and got a bunch of warped, cracked and sagged foam. I am going to try and find some polyurethane foam in my area to level out the top, the rest seems alright, then i am going to scuff up the rest of the foam and glass over it.
By the way anyone from Toronto area knows where to get Polyurethane pour foam locally?
Melted Fabric 
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Posted: July 19, 2006 at 6:01 PM / IP Logged  
Well, I am bored at work, I do not mind the giving quick responses at all hahaha.
Well, if you have the foam exposed now , you do not need to scuff it persay. Make sure it is in good condition, you know, usable and lay down foil over it (taping it at all seams so resin will not leak through) lay down resin and fiberglass on top of that.
The reason I suggested seperating it, is because you still most likely want the foam to do it's job of being a cushion, if you soak resin into it, it will harden.
Also, if you do not want foil stuck to the back of your fiberglass panel / dash top then read these Tips on using a Mold Release Agent
Mold Release Agent - a substance spread on your piece so resin does not stick and the piece can be removed from what it is on top of without tears and anger.
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