| 12V|RED / lt blue (10A) *1|+ |ignition harness |
| STARTER|tan/lt blue |+ |ignition harness |
| IGNITION|lt GREEN/ purple |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|BLACK/ lt green |+ |ignition harness |
| POWER LOCK|pink/white *2 |- |DKP or 26 pin plug @ GEM *6 |
| POWER UNLOCK|same wire | | |
| LOCK MOTOR|pink/black | |DKP or 26 pin plug @ GEM *6 |
| UNLOCK MOTOR|RED / orange | |DKP or 26 pin plug @ GEM *6 |
| DISARM DEFEAT|pink/orange | |PKP or 26 pin plug @ GEM *6 |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|brown | |drivers kick panel |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|BLACK/ lt green | |column or 22 pin plug @ GEM |
| HEADLIGHTS|RED / white |- |column or 22 pin plug @ GEM |
| DOOR TRIGGER|PURPLE / lt green |- |cluster or 22 pin plug @ GEM|
| DOME SUPERVISION|lt GREEN/ black |*3 |drivers door harness |
| HOOD PIN|PURPLE / orange |- |pin sw or 22 pin plug @ GEM |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|lt GREEN/ black |- |DKP or 26 pin plug @ GEM *6 |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|blue/lt green |- |DKP or 26 pin plug @ GEM *6 |
| TACHOMETER|*4 | | |
| SPEED SENSE|gray/black | |cruise servo on pass fender |
| BRAKE WIRE|lt green |+ |brake pedal switch |
| HORN TRIGGER|yellow/lt green |- |steering column *5 |
| WIPERS|blk/pnk(L),blu/org(H|+ |steering column |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|wht/blk - red |A |driver window switch |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|tan/lt blu - wht/yel|A |driver kick panel |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN|yel/blk - RED / blk |A |driver kick panel |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN|gry/org - yel/lt blu|A |driver kick panel |
| SUN RF OPN/CLOSE|red - org | |in front of sunroof |
| SUN ROOF LIMIT|ORANGE / white | |in front of sunroof |
| RADIO 12V|ORANGE / lt green |+ |at radio |
| RADIO GROUND|black |- |at radio |
| RADIO SWITCH|yellow/black |+ |at radio |
| RADIO ILLUMINATE|lt blue/red |+ |at radio |
| LF SPEAKER|org/lt grn-lt blu/wh| |at radio |
| RF SPEAKER|wht/lt grn - grn/org| |at radio |
| LR SPEAKER|tan/yel - gry/lt blu| |at radio |
| RR SPEAKER|org/red - brn/pnk | |at radio |
NOTE: This vehicle is equipped with a passive immobilizer that needs to be bypassed for remote start operation only. Use DEI part number 555S to bypass, and also use the BLACK/ pink (+) key sense wire at the steering column to interrupt the blue wire on the 555S so that when the key is inserted to do take over the vehicle does not see two transponders at the same time. Refer to directfax document #1079 for wiring information. *1 This wire is rated at 10 amps only. If installing any system with high current outputs, go to battery for 12v. *2 Lock requires a negative trigger thru a 1,000 ohm resistor. Unlock is a negative trigger. Must use relay on both. *3 This wire rests at ground with the doors closed, and it is an open circuit with the drivers door open. Use a relay to interupt this wire to turn on the dome light. *4 On the ZETEC motor use GREEN/ purple or lt GREEN / WHITE at the coil pack. The Duratec motor has a coil for each cylinder, go to any one and use the wire that is NOT WHITE/ purple. *5 May be in the SRS harness. Use a meter to test to avoid setting any codes or deploying the airbag. *6 The GEM (generic electronic module) is behind the center console on the floor. Pull off the black panel to the right of the gas pedal, there will be carpet covering it. The plugs face the driver side of the vehicle.