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SQ vs. SPL?

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Copper - Posts: 215
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Posted: October 05, 2006 at 2:55 PM / IP Logged  
Kickers are great SPL woofers, but imo, have poor SQ...The price/quality doesnt balance...If I were you I would buy a 15" TC Sounds TC-3000. That sub has great SQ and with the right box and power, will blow an L7 away...
'89 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Pioneer DEH-5900UB
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(1)US Amps MD3D
3ft^3 @ 37Hz
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Posted: October 05, 2006 at 5:44 PM / IP Logged  
I've had two 15 inch L7's in the minimum recommended vented box powered by a Kenwood 1 ohm
Yes the amp is only rated to be stable down to 2 ohms...but hell it was a friends amp and he had a warranty so we went ahead and wired it up for 1 ohm...played with the gain setting so the amp wouldn't shut off.
It was loud as hell...not so great sound quality but hell it was loud.
These are some nice SPL subs
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Posted: October 06, 2006 at 9:55 AM / IP Logged  

the TC3000 looks sick. i may possibly go with 1 of the 15" and a 2000 watt amp. next would be getting a box built for it.

how difficult is the WinISD software to use?

this gets more complicated as the days pass. long gone are the days of just throwing a couple subs and amps together for a good system...

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Posted: October 06, 2006 at 10:11 AM / IP Logged  
Actually the WinISD is not hard to use at all once you read the help files and the sticky at the top of this forum
I thought entering new driver data was hard but once you get the hang of it its quite easy to play around the the parameters
Copper - Posts: 215
Copper spacespace
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Posted: October 06, 2006 at 1:39 PM / IP Logged  
The only thing that might make it a bit more difficult, is that TC Sounds products arent pre-stored in the WinISD list. So you would heve enter in the T/S Parameters manually...But if you dont want to learn it there are a few people online that will design you a box for your sub at no cost...
'89 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Pioneer DEH-5900UB
(2)RE Audio SX 10"s
(1)US Amps MD3D
3ft^3 @ 37Hz
Blowing up in a car accident doesnt worry me, as long as I'm putting out some major dB's when I die...
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Posted: October 06, 2006 at 4:52 PM / IP Logged  

cloak559 wrote:
...But if you dont want to learn it there are a few people online that will design you a box for your sub at no cost...

Really?  SQ vs. SPL? - Page 3 -- posted image.

Here's a quick shortcut way to get a good idea of what kind of box you'll need for a particular sub...

1.  Select New Project at the top left of WinISD Pro.

2.  A pop-up dialogue box appears.  Select the tab New.

3.  The Driver Editor box appears.  Type in the name and model of the sub, then select the tab at the top Parameters.

4.  Now enter just three pieces of information:  Qts, Fs, and Vas.  But first move your cursor to the Vas window and then just to the right of it where the unit is will show ft^3 or liters.  You notice that the cursor becomes a pointing finger when it hovers over that unit, which means it will let you click to another unit.  So click until the unit of measurement appears that matches the unit of measurement in your spec sheet.  Now enter Qts, Fs and Vas.

5.  Click Save, and then again in the box that appears, Save again.

6.  Go back to the original dialogue box by clicking New Project.  Scroll through until you find the name of the sub you entered and saved into the database.  If you named, for example, the brand Kicker and the model L7, it will appear as Kicker L7.  Select it.

7.  Go through each question in the ensuing dialogues and just click Next., but read what the program is asking you so you can get an idea of what it wants to calculate.  When you get through to the end the program will model your sub.  (Although you didn't make any choices, the program will make the default choice based on its own calculations of those parameters.)

8.  You can always go back to the Driver Editor and enter the remainder of the parameters later.  That can be found in Utilities, Database Editing.  You will most likely find some subtle changes when all the parameters are calculated.

That should get you started.

Build the box so that it performs well in the worst case scenario and, in return, it will reward you at all times.
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Posted: October 07, 2006 at 4:12 PM / IP Logged  

im going to download WinISD this weekend and play around with it and probably try making my own box over the wintertime. i'll post more questions as they come up. thanks for the help guys.

i think im going to go with the TC3000. still undecided about what amp though.

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