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Why is it so hard to find installers?

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Member - Posts: 8
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Posted: January 05, 2007 at 9:40 PM / IP Logged  
I agree that the money is in dealer work. the big box stores killed us and thats fine with me. our dealer side has far outgrown the retail side since we started about 4 years ago.   personally, i'd rather work on brand new cars all day than someone's neglected POS.
Copper - Posts: 111
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Posted: January 09, 2007 at 6:40 PM / IP Logged  
I live an hour away from Toronto and can't even find a place to hire me to learn things on a more professional level.  My work hasn't won shows but they do get looks and good reviews from the public, which is why I'm still doing it. I do two or three custom installs a week and one to two fiberglass jobs a month. This is on the side of a 40 hour work week as a Assistant Kitchen Manager and being a father of two. If I could find a job installing and learing for the same money I'd do it, but the problem is alot of shops want a master installer for an average wage. I understand that an owner is out to make money and wants a turn key employee, but even with my install portfolio and rolling resumee's I have found that owners don't want to train anymore, just pay for the work to be done. By the way rolling resumee's are some of my customers actually show up with me to show the owners my work. I know this isn't the case with some shops, some of you just want quality people, I just haven't met any of you yet that will give me a job. This might be just as frustrating for me looking for a job as it is for you to find employees.
Copper - Posts: 111
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Posted: January 09, 2007 at 6:41 PM / IP Logged  
I live an hour away from Toronto and can't even find a place to hire me to learn things on a more professional level.  My work hasn't won shows but they do get looks and good reviews from the public, which is why I'm still doing it. I do two or three custom installs a week and one to two fiberglass jobs a month. This is on the side of a 40 hour work week as a Assistant Kitchen Manager and being a father of two. If I could find a job installing and learing for the same money I'd do it, but the problem is alot of shops want a master installer for an average wage. I understand that an owner is out to make money and wants a turn key employee, but even with my install portfolio and rolling resumee's I have found that owners don't want to train anymore, just pay for the work to be done. By the way rolling resumee's are some of my customers actually show up with me to show the owners my work. I know this isn't the case with some shops, some of you just want quality people, I just haven't met any of you yet that will give me a job. This might be just as frustrating for me looking for a job as it is for you to find employees.
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Posted: January 10, 2007 at 11:25 AM / IP Logged  

One thing that keeps beginners away is low starting pay and the high prices of tools.  When I first started at Circuit City for $8 an hour ~5 years ago I spent over $1000 in tools in my first month alone.  Even after installing for three years I still had tools that I wanted to buy, but couldn't afford.

The work isn't too bad, if you know what you are doing, but can be extremely frustrating at times.  The hours generally suck (late nights, weekends, etc).  The pay is low, and the contining financial commitment never seems to go away.  Sometimes I felt that I spent more money to be an installer then I made, there are just way too many specialized tools to ever own them all.....

So, when I graduated college I took the installation and troubleshooting skills I learned as an installer and got a electronics technician job paying over $60K and a company vehicle.  Now I need less tools, I don't work in cramped areas, and I make a lot more then I would of if I was still installing.

Installing is a great place to gain experiance, but not something that many people are cut out to do for life.  It just sucks that there is such a high up front cost to get involved.

Kevin Pierson
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Posted: January 11, 2007 at 3:58 PM / IP Logged  
Sounds like you guys have the same problem we do here in the UK. In Scotland most of the guys in the business have worked with each other at some time and we all pretty much know everyone in the same game as ourselves. In the last 10 years or so there have been very few newcomers into the business. I have been looking for a decent reliable installer for the last 2 years but it has been impossible to fill the position.
Don't suppose any of you guys, who come from the warmer states, fancy taking on a 36year old with 12 years experience in car audio, security, tracking and cellular?
It would mean i have to move from Scotland but i am sure the better weather would seriously tempt me! :)
Mike M2 
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Posted: January 11, 2007 at 7:59 PM / IP Logged  

Evolution-UK wrote:
Don't suppose any of you guys, who come from the warmer states, fancy taking on a 36year old with 12 years experience in car audio, security, tracking and cellular?
It would mean i have to move from Scotland but i am sure the better weather would seriously tempt me! :)

YES! I would!!!!

Mike M2
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CS Dealer Services
Copper - Posts: 192
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Posted: January 12, 2007 at 12:50 AM / IP Logged  
Do you have a website?
Whats the cost of living like where you are? And more importantly, whats the weather like? :)
Copper - Posts: 70
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Posted: January 18, 2007 at 8:47 AM / IP Logged  
well the installer situation is all in montreal and man is it hard to find good installer..
but the probleme here is that they are very over paid..
i have installers that ask for 20$ an hour...
and they do get paid that in some places..
there should be a learning center..
i wounder if there was one in were you live not to expensive would you consider it?
im curious.
Copper - Posts: 111
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Posted: January 19, 2007 at 4:49 PM / IP Logged  

$20 an hour!!! I wish I could make that managing where I work. If I could find anything installing for that kind of money I'd be all over it. I actually had an interview with a shop just outside of where I live because alot of my customers go in his shop for performance stuff and the lead installer liked my work. I know for some of you that have more experience and knowledge it doesn't sound like much, but it's nice to have veterens in the biz complement my workmanship. The boss is going to give me a shot starting March but says I have to go to Mobile Dynamics within the year. That dosen't bother me because he's paying for it but my question is: Is Mobile Dynamics worth the money? or Is it just for the certificate? Either way I am at least getting a foot farther in the biz.

julian tynan 
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Posted: January 25, 2007 at 7:12 PM / IP Logged  
hey would you like to hire a guy from Oxford,UK? I have experience of all types of classic,vintage and modern cars since I was a kid. I am competent in all types of security,communication and entertainment systems from the most basic to the most complex. I have extensive knowledge of European,Asian and American motorcycle,car and boat electrical protocols and systems. I am also skilled at OE fault find and repair from 1950's Jaguar ignition systems right up to post 1996 OBD diagnostics. just need a change from the UK and you sound as if you treat your guys right. hope to hear from you :,regards,Julian
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