| 12V|yellow & lt. grn/pur|+ |ignition harness |
| STARTER|RED / lt. blue |+ |ignition harness |
| IGNITION|dk. blue/lt. green |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND IGNITION|gray / YELLOW |+ |ignition harness |
| THIRD IGNITION|lt. blue/pink *1 |+ |ignition harness |
| ACCESSORY|RED / black |+ |ignition harness |
| SECOND ACCESSORY|BLACK/ green |+ |ignition harness |
| POWER LOCK|pink / YELLOW |*2 |passenger kick panel |
| POWER UNLOCK|pink/green *8 |*2 |passenger kick panel |
| LOCK MOTOR|pink/black | |driver kick panel |
| UNLOCK MOTOR|RED / orange | |driver kick panel |
| DISARM DEFEAT|pink/orange | |passenger kick panel |
| PARKING LIGHTS +|brown | |light switch *3 |
| PARKING LIGHTS -|lt. GREEN/ YELLOW | |light switch *4 |
| HEADLIGHTS|RED / yellow |+ |light switch |
| DOOR TRIGGER|blk/yel & blk/pnk |- |*5 |
| DOME SUPERVISION|BLACK/ lt.blue |+ |passenger kick panel |
| FCTRY ALARM ARM|*6 | | |
|FCTRY ALRM DISARM|dark GREEN/ purple |- |drivers kick panel |
| TACHOMETER|*7 | | |
| BRAKE WIRE|light green |+ |at switch *3 |
| HORN TRIGGER|dk. blue |- |steering column |
| WIPERS| | | |
| LF WINDOW UP/DN|org/wht - wht/blk |A |in drivers door |
| RF WINDOW UP/DN|wht/yel - tan/lt.blu|A |drivers kick panel |
| LR WINDOW UP/DN| | | |
| RR WINDOW UP/DN| | | |
NOTE: Some models of this vehicle are equipped with PATS (Passive Anti Theft System). Use PKF bypass module *1 Power this wire if vehicle is equiped with only rear anti-lock brakes. Vehicles with all wheel anti-lock brakes do not have this wire. *2 Negative pulse, type 'B', on keyless entry models. Five wire, type 'C', on non-keyless models, mastered from the driver switch. *3 May also be found at trailer connector next to diagnostic connector under dash. *4 If equipped with autolamps. *5 The BLACK / YELLOW catches the drivers door and the BLACK/ pink catches the passengers door. The wires are found in there respective door harnesses. On the Super Crew the rear door trigger is BLACK/ lt. blue low in the driver kick panel. Use all wires and diode isolate each. See direct fax document #1076 for wiring information. Both wires may also be found at the GEM module located above the fuse box. On models without a dome light delay use ORANGE / lt. green (-) at the light switch. *6 Arms when locked with the door open. To simulate, send a negative trigger to the lt. blue/white wire at the RAP module, located behind the light switch, while locking. *7 Tach wire: on the 4.2L it is a dk. blue/lt. green at the coil pack on top of the motor. On the 4.6L go to any of the 8 ignition coils and use the wire that is not RED / green. On the 5.4L it is a lt. GREEN / WHITE at the coil on the passenger side of the motor between the fuel injectors. *8 The GEM in this vehicle shuts down after the doors have been locked for a certain time period, to 'wake-up' the system refer to directfax document #1093.
Velocity Custom Home Theater
Mobile Audio/Video Specialist
Morden, Manitoba CANADA