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compustars anything to watch out for?

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Copper - Posts: 396
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Posted: August 06, 2007 at 10:40 AM / IP Logged  

stratorider wrote:
I think he means they are more complicated to program than a DEI, comparatively. Key on and off 5 times, and put the battery in and whatever. Easier to just turn the car on, find the valet button and you are done. The Compustar that I put in worked just fine, just the brain was too big and the remote was ugly and I didn't like having to program it. Also, doesn't Compustar make Scosche remote start/alarms or vice versa? They look awfully similar.

Ugly?! Haha they have a way better cosmetics than others. But sure. And complicated? Are you an installer? There is no complications for non of the compustar products. Just educate your customers. For instance. All they have to know if you sell them a pro system is the following: Lock(arm), Unlock (disarm), remotestart (if equipped) and button 4 (IV). Button four for the temp, and voltage. easy. And for the "complicated" features. Thats why you do not give out the installers manual. They do not need that.  The only thing that i think is pretty important is the RPS unlock. Just show the customers how to program that. Easy.

"dont ground out!"
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Posted: August 11, 2007 at 2:02 PM / IP Logged  
dswift wrote:

swerks wrote:
Yes ythe button happy customer should be educated by sales staff but in the busy season when there are 15-20 cars in the shop that day this rarley happens. it aseems to me the manufacturer could easily prevent this with a slight design change thus eliminating this problem from possibly occuring

They actually did fix this issue. If you ever used a pro you would know this. The typical 20 customers a day in winter are your customers who hasn't used their autostarts all summer long and are probrably in valet mode, Lock + trunk release. Therefore Firstech is using the same programming for some of the non pro brains. like the cm4200. That mean to enter valet mode you will need the key in the igniton and on to the ON postion. That will knock out alot of valet mode calls for the future.

DSwift, do the installers need to flash the old brains for the new valet programing to take place? Or does the CM4200 come pre-programmed w/ that now?

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