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opinion on my labor price sheet

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Copper - Posts: 239
Copper spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: February 02, 2006
Location: Minnesota, United States
Posted: July 16, 2008 at 9:48 PM / IP Logged  
I would like everybodys opinion on my labor price sheet from shop
$25- aftermarket H.U
$35- stock radio
$50- striped wires
$40- speakers
$70- all 4 speakers
$50- changer, satalites
$60- 2ch amp
$75- 4ch amp
$120- 2 amps
$25- misc
$5- shop fees
$50- per headrest
$50- per visor
$25- rear view mirror
$50- DVD player
$150- flipdown screens
$100- indash DVD
$35- cameras
$25- misc
$100- basic
$100- basic
$150- basic
$25 bypass
$50 window rollup
$25- misc
$5- shop fees
work from other shop mistakes
$50- 1st hour
$25- hour after that.
What do you guys think?
Copper - Posts: 257
Copper spacespace
Joined: March 09, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: July 17, 2008 at 2:33 AM / IP Logged  
Looks like you are a cheap shop(price not quality). Those are very competetive labor rates. What area of the U.S. are you located.
Copper - Posts: 239
Copper spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: February 02, 2006
Location: Minnesota, United States
Posted: July 17, 2008 at 4:56 PM / IP Logged  
Minnesota. And its u get for what u pay for. We don't do $10 dollar jobs for half an hour work using tape. We do real professional jobs.
Copper - Posts: 257
Copper spacespace
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Location: United States
Posted: July 17, 2008 at 5:06 PM / IP Logged  
Oh no I wasn't refering to the fact that they are high I was refering to them being low. Is that the going rate for stuff up ther.e
Copper - Posts: 239
Copper spaceThis member has made a donation to Click here for more info.spacespace
Joined: February 02, 2006
Location: Minnesota, United States
Posted: July 17, 2008 at 8:54 PM / IP Logged  

No actually there more expensive, the closes 12volt shop around my area are 1hour away. hows your area out there?

Copper - Posts: 133
Copper spacespace
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Location: Australia
Posted: July 18, 2008 at 11:28 PM / IP Logged  
Wow man....thats pretty damn low, you could probably jack that up and still make money! To give you an idea, here in Alaska I charge...
Deck $55
1/2 Channel amp $55
4Channel $75
Coax install $45
Component install $90
Headrest $100
Visor $125
Troubleshoot.... I charge $125 /hour and yeah I know thats high, but there is a reason for that.
Copper - Posts: 351
Copper spacespace
Joined: July 22, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: July 20, 2008 at 2:01 AM / IP Logged  
Those look like some real good prices. They are either at or below what I would suspect for those services.
Good luck to you!
Moderator - Posts: 10,741
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Posted: July 20, 2008 at 11:29 AM / IP Logged  
I think you're going to go broke with hourly rates that low unless you do not have to pay rent or salaries...
Gold - Posts: 1,013
Gold spacespace
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Posted: July 20, 2008 at 9:42 PM / IP Logged  
Low...... start basing on an at least $75/hr shop rate.
Deck should be at least $55 + parts
Starter should be at least $135, plus extra for locks, bypass, trunk
Alarm, same thing
Video.... We do overheads at $250. Indash is $150. Headrests are $100 per.
Add a 5% shop fee for misc stuff..... like tape, screws, etc. Note, that is a percent of the labor. More labor, chances there are more supplies being used.
Get paid what you are worth. Money buys respect nowdays. Don't sell yourself short to be competitive, rather sell yourself as no comparison to the competition. Sell yourself as though there is no other shop, because you are the best one in town.
If the dealerships can justify $100/hr and upwards, and many other trades are over $65/hr, there is no reason why a skilled trade such as this is no different. Fine line between greed and proper pricing, but, one must also follow suit with current trends.
Wherever I go, that is where I end up......
Member - Posts: 13
Member spacespace
Joined: June 11, 2008
Location: Washington, United States
Posted: July 20, 2008 at 11:55 PM / IP Logged  
Most of the shops I've seen in Washington charge about 75 an hour as well.
Studying for MECP basic certification and looking for job at an install bay.
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