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remote start via disposable cell

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Gold - Posts: 1,901
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Posted: January 09, 2010 at 7:04 PM / IP Logged  
Self-satisfaction...The Airport security might get a little concerned about cell phones and triggers and etc...! : )   They do make 1 mile Remote Starts...!  I swear i read a post about this here already...See if i can find it...!?
M.E.C.P & First-Class
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Posted: January 09, 2010 at 11:18 PM / IP Logged  

No, sorry, I didn't read your blog at the time I posted (I was at work and anything with the word "hack" in it is blocked).

If you have 1.35vdc coming out of the phone all you need is a 2n3904 transistor from radioshack.  It wouldn't hurt to put a 220 ohm resistor in series with the base, ground the emitter (to both the phones ground and the cars ground) and then the collector will go straight to the relay coil with a diode across the coil.

You can use this diagram:

remote start via disposable cell - Page 3 -- posted image.

to take the status output from constant to a short pulse.  This could be hooked to the status output so as soon as the remote start activates it sends a short pulse to the "end" button, thus canceling the call.  You could then use the phone to shut the car back off!  You, of course, would have to reverse this diagram to work with your (-) status output - just put the cap and resistor on the postive side

I think finding a way to shut the car off will make it that much better - especially when showing it off to your friends.  It will be cool to see you call your car to start it, but if you have to walk to the car to shut it off you know your friends are going to ask why you can't call it and shut it off!

Definately a fun little project, and it seems like your phone has a lot of powerful little features on it.  It would be cool if you could somehow come up with a way to have it send you a text message when it starts.  :)

Kevin Pierson
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Posted: January 10, 2010 at 12:49 AM / IP Logged  
Before a potential value-add reply, firstly a BIG thank-you troublem8ker for answering "why not a remote?". Nice to see a good/valid answer that embarrasses smartR'ses like me. (Is it better feigning humility than praising rookies? (LOL).)
But seriously - I did want to thank you. I didn't think it justified a bump etc. But now, for what it is worth.....
Are people aware of projects like SiliconChip's "SMS Controller Kit"?
It is old (from 2004) and was specific to Nokia 3210, 3310, 5110, and 6110 models (GSM).
And unfortunately I do not know that much about it - I have some SillyChip articles but not those (but I could hunt unless 12Volt or someone gets the online ver$ion).
The kits are available for AUD$58 from Jaycar as per
The Silicon Chip articles are at (SMS Controller Part 1) and (Part 2).
Related articles are:
"SMS Controller Add-ons" at,
"Remote switching with the SMS controller" in,
"SMS Controller voltage tolerance" in,
and a likely superseded Notes&Errata in
Pics of the Kit:
(As per the above link to Jaycar's KC-5400 "SMS Controller Kit")
remote start via disposable cell - Page 3 -- posted image.
remote start via disposable cell - Page 3 -- posted image.
NB - Pic Permission from Jaycar being sought by OldSpark. Please delete if desired until then, else refer any legal action to OldSpark. (But Jaycar are such a good mob, with excellent kits & products....)
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Posted: January 10, 2010 at 7:19 AM / IP Logged  
tommy... wrote:
Self-satisfaction...The Airport security might get a little concerned about cell phones and triggers and etc...! : )   They do make 1 mile Remote Starts...!  I swear i read a post about this here already...See if i can find it...!?
They shouldn't get too worried with me making a phone call. Also, to spill the beans, I work for UPS in IT support. The facility I work at was, at one time, the largest (somekind) of engineering project in the world (at least that is what they told us). The facility now stands at about 7 million ground floor square feet (just the buildings, not the property) and at some places is almost 4 stories tall. I work nearly the FURTHEST from the parking lot in the back of the facility. I have a co-worker that has one of those one-mile alarms/starters, and he has no luck starting his car until we are about half a mile away. I'll get on Google Maps and see if I can find an overhead of this place.
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Posted: January 10, 2010 at 9:07 AM / IP Logged  
Just for fun, here is the Google Maps overhead with all kinds of diagrams of where I work. It has been about 18 degrees at night the last 3 nights! (The shuttle is not heated)
remote start via disposable cell - Page 3 -- posted image.
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Copper - Posts: 293
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Posted: January 10, 2010 at 5:09 PM / IP Logged  
you can install a scytek 2-way unit and program the 2-way remote to start at a specific time ,then just leave the 2-way remote in the car and it will start at the pre-set time.That is if you know what time you'll be leaving everyday.
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Posted: January 11, 2010 at 2:40 AM / IP Logged  

I just installed this item two days ago and LOVE IT!

look for the item with this title in this guys ebay store

It has a built in quad band  gsm phone with wired external antenna  you just put a prepaid sim in it. o2 wireless is the best because $10 airtime doesnt expire for 90 days and text messages are only 5 cents each. very good unit and programmable via usb cable with their software or by text messages. Only messages from programmed phone #s will be able to start your car etc. I looked all over for something like this and this is the only thing I found that came close. I only use one output to activate my remote start and it works great. The only drawback to this unit aside from the price is that it is shipped from Lithuania and takes about 4 weeks to arrive.

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Posted: January 11, 2010 at 2:51 AM / IP Logged  

sorry my previous post I coudnt figure out the links.

Just do a search on ebay for

SMS Pager Home/House/Car/Boat/Moto

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Posted: January 11, 2010 at 3:15 AM / IP Logged  

My alarm already has a feature that will start it at the same time everyday.  My wife and I use the car alternately, however.

Also meant to mention, my remote start will shut down automatically after running for 12 minutes.

I am on a CDMA network.  The GSM chip thing sounds like and option.  As far as price, if I get this to work, I will be paying the same for service, and it will cost me maybe $10 in parts.  Also, I would like to do it myself, just for the adventure.

If I get this to work, I will have the options to:  Start my car via call.  Start my car via SMS/Text.  Set up to 4 independent and recurring (if I choose) alarms to start my car.  Set schedules and calendar events to start my car.  Expand on this setup by adding shutdown capability, text back, twitter, whatever!

You guys all have some great suggestions, and the12volt has not disappointed me with it's wealth of help and breadth of knowledge.

I mod stuff...yeah...
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Posted: January 14, 2010 at 12:50 PM / IP Logged  
Well, here's an update. I got it working.
That's right, totally and truly. I finally received my breadboard from SparkFun, and hooked up the optoisolator I had on hand and tested away. I was able to get a good tone on my multimeter when the phone rang/vibrated, so I took it out to the car and hooked it up to the Remote Start Accessory Input, and VROOM! It started right up. And just as we though, when left to ring it shut right back down.
Next I took beegbie's idea and hooked a relay inline with one of the 'ringer' wires, and had it trigger when the remote start turned on the Accessories. Called the phone, car started, let it ring, and the car never stopped! It worked perfect.
I called the phone about a half-dozen times, and it worked every time. I set 2-3 alarms, and the car started with every one. Then I set the calendar/scheduler for later that morning, and sure enough about an hour later, VROOM! Car started right up.
If you all want all the details of what I did next, I have them over in my blog, DaveHacks.
The next part, or Part 3 in the blog, will entail getting more appropriate relays and a circuit board and making a final version to actually install in the car. Please reply here on in the blog if you have any questions or suggestions.
Thank you all, and major props to beegbie for solving the headscratcher!
I mod stuff...yeah...
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