')im not able to get my Easycar E3-B to work..
i managed to get the car started through remote...
but the push button start returns error with single parking light flash.(engine on error in the table of errrors in manual)
my car is a 2008 mitsubishi lancer (auto)
here is the detailed connections list i have done..
some connections are temporarly not connected since needed to test the main functions
i have connected only the sensor wires to enable the push start and the remote start functions
(please correct me if im wrong anywhere)
1.(yellow) --- starter wire in the vehicle direction
2.(white) --- not connected since no ignition 2 in my car
3.(green) --- ignition wire in my ignition switch harness
4.(RED / white) --- +12 volt supply
5.(blue) --- output to accessory wire going in the vehicle direction
6.(red) --- +12 volt supply
note:i havnt connected the relay for the starter kill
connected only ground with int : 1-5 connect (without door motor)
1.(yellow) - door unlock
2.(green) - door lock
3.(violet) - not connected since not required for testing
4.(gray) - not connected
5.(brown) - not connected
6.(white) - not connected (listens to the relay trigger to count the flashes)
7.(orange) - not connected
8.(blue) - not connected
9.(violet) --- bypass module not connected cause the key is in the keyhole or kept near the keyhole..
10.(black) --- connected to a ground (-)
1.(green) ---------not connected (engine running sensing set to noise)
since my tach wire is reading 12 volts before the start of car and 14 volts when the car is started
the unit doesnt start car since the alternator line needs less than 5 volts before start and 7-14v after start of car)
DOUBT:( --- how does the unit sense the electrical noise without connecting this wire!! my remote start works without connecting this wire,..
2.(brown) +parking light input / lock input --------------- not connected
3.(yellow) (+) foot brake input --------------------------- foot brake input +12v when stepped on foot brake
4.(red) (+) door trigger input ---------------------------- door triggerinput +5v when door is closed
5.(RED / black) (-)door trigger input ----------------------- not connected because 4 is connected
6.(white) (-) parking brake /hand brake ------------------- connected to +12 volt temporarly to immitate parking brake engaged
7.(+) acc input to keyox ---------------------------------- connected to acc wire in the ignition harness that goes to the keybox side
8.(ORANGE / black) preheating light input ------------------- not connected
9.( violet/black) trunk trigger input --------------------- connected to +12 volt to immitate trunk closed
THE JUMPER IN THE UNIT IS CUT --- auto transmission
switch 1 set to -- NOISE
switch 2 set to OFF -- LOW
connected cn5(easy door lock)(knock pad) ,cn7(antenna),cn8(start button) ,cn10(lf module)
cn6 (shock sensor) -- not connected cause not required for testing the push button and remote start)
cn9 --not connected cause not required for testing the push button and remote start
i registered key on the knock pad (i think :( cause its confusing )
when i knock and input the deafult 1-1-1-1 code nothin happens..:(
but after fiddling with it remote starter started working which makes me assume that code is registered..
any idea how to reset the code???