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First Project, Sunfire Door Panels

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Copper - Posts: 64
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Posted: July 25, 2006 at 12:09 AM / IP Logged  
kmapro wrote:

Aboslutely awesome....but I do have a question.

By glassing the whole door, you added a lot of weight that could eventually wreak havoc on the hinges and cause improper alignment - thus resulting in unwanted resonance and rattle in the car.

Seeing as how you "body fillered" the entire panel, whi didn't you just build a small fiberglass pod for the lower portion of the door (where you have the speakers located now). Then rough sand the factory door panel to help with adhesion, attach the pod with resin and then body filler the entire door panel - sand - and paint.

That seems as if it would have cut down on alot of unnecessary sanding (IMHO)

By no means am i knocking on your work - I think it is awesome. i am just making an observation from the outside looking in....

I seriously doubt his panel weighs enough to throw his doors out of alignment.  If the weight of that panel was enough to make the hindges slip out of alignment, then the door would misalign with a hard slam. 

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Posted: July 25, 2006 at 7:30 AM / IP Logged  
OK, so I exagerated the possible outcome a bit. I was only using that as en excuse to post the question
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Posted: July 25, 2006 at 10:15 AM / IP Logged  

is fiberglass easy and is it expensive i am looking at building a speaker box for a JL 10 thanks

Copper - Posts: 64
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Posted: July 25, 2006 at 12:43 PM / IP Logged  
brandon00733 wrote:

is fiberglass easy and is it expensive i am looking at building a speaker box for a JL 10 thanks

Define easy.  If you're familier with how to use hand tools and a few small power tools and you have a certain ammount of common sense then you should have no problem with it.  It wont be easy like making a sandwich easy, but you wont be building a thousand piece puzzle blindfolded either. 

It can get pretty expensive, but if you buy in bulk and get the right stuff, you will save money in the long run.  It also depends on what you are trying to make.  A smaller less complicated project obviously will cost less that fiberglassing a dash or an entire trunk. 

Melted Fabric 
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Posted: July 25, 2006 at 4:58 PM / IP Logged  
I like to define easy as "something you can do."
Fiberglassing is something you can do, even toddlers could fiberglass if they would not think the resin is candy or syrup. First Project, Sunfire Door Panels - Page 4 - Last Post -- posted image.
Like the goodfella sawhit said, the more complex the more time it will take but by no means is anything impossible, except maybe an entire planet constructed from fiberglass.
First Project, Sunfire Door Panels - Page 4 - Last Post -- posted image.
What is difficult takes time, what is impossible takes a little longer.
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best -- that is inspiration.
Member - Posts: 38
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Posted: July 26, 2006 at 7:00 AM / IP Logged  
As long as you know the basic steps, anyone can fiberglass. The hard part is having the time/pateince to do it right It takes lots of time to plan out a porject, apply the correct number of layers of fiberglass, sand, use body filler/sand, and glaze the project so as to remove all defect/waves/pinholes/scratches. Most people start projects, get halfway through and never finish them. I have written up a complete tutorial on my all the steps I took to do these door panels. It can be found here - HOW TO - Fiberglass Your Door Panels
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