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Enclosure Covering

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Posted: September 29, 2006 at 11:20 PM / IP Logged  
It seems to me that you end up with exactly the same surface glue area, but I have also read of this being a potential problem (  In that, the author spoke of using cleats along the seam to maximize glueing area.  The cleat is just a strip of MDF.  As far as any other factors relating to weakness other than glueing surface, no, I don't believe rounding corners presents a problem.  The corner is the strongest part of the enclosure, so tapering it won't affect rigidity.
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Copper - Posts: 311
Copper spacespace
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Posted: September 30, 2006 at 12:06 AM / IP Logged  
I get ya now. I have seen that LOTS of times when people spray paint their boxes themselves, now I know how to atleast try and fix it.
Silver - Posts: 282
Silver spacespace
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Posted: September 30, 2006 at 7:51 AM / IP Logged  
is the paint textured? can you take a closer pic of it? nice project 2 btw
Copper - Posts: 215
Copper spacespace
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Posted: September 30, 2006 at 3:49 PM / IP Logged  
jonathancullen wrote:
is the paint textured? can you take a closer pic of it? nice project 2 btw
Enclosure Covering - Page 2 -- posted image.
This is Steve Meades box...He used a black textured stone...
'89 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Pioneer DEH-5900UB
(2)RE Audio SX 10"s
(1)US Amps MD3D
3ft^3 @ 37Hz
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Silver - Posts: 282
Silver spacespace
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Posted: October 01, 2006 at 9:52 AM / IP Logged  
looks good, better then carpet
Platinum - Posts: 5,816
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Posted: October 01, 2006 at 10:20 AM / IP Logged  

Those fleck-type finishes (like above) require a few coats of sealer.  I think durability could be an issue if it's in a car trunk environment because of shifting loads banging against it, etc.  The paint I mentioned doesn't have flakes, but a sand-like finish.  It doesn't need the extra sealer application.

Build the box so that it performs well in the worst case scenario and, in return, it will reward you at all times.
Copper - Posts: 215
Copper spacespace
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Posted: October 01, 2006 at 3:40 PM / IP Logged  
Well, my box is going to be hard mounted where the back seats used to be, so I wont really have the problem of sliding. But ill still use the one you suggested because I think I can be a little more sloppy with it and it wont show as bad...
'89 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Pioneer DEH-5900UB
(2)RE Audio SX 10"s
(1)US Amps MD3D
3ft^3 @ 37Hz
Blowing up in a car accident doesnt worry me, as long as I'm putting out some major dB's when I die...
Silver - Posts: 282
Silver spacespace
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Posted: October 01, 2006 at 4:29 PM / IP Logged  
so it chips is what your saying? i mount my box to the floor and there isnt anything else but an amp which is also mounted.
Copper - Posts: 215
Copper spacespace
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Posted: October 01, 2006 at 5:47 PM / IP Logged  
jonathancullen wrote:
so it chips is what your saying? i mount my box to the floor and there isnt anything else but an amp which is also mounted.
You should be fine then. If your box is not hard mounted, It has the potential of hitting something if it slides. If you chip it, the project is ruined...
And hey stevdart, would the texture be coarse enough to conflict with sub mounting? Like it wouldnt seal well enough...Maybe some rope caulk woud do the trick?
'89 Mercedes-Benz 300E
Pioneer DEH-5900UB
(2)RE Audio SX 10"s
(1)US Amps MD3D
3ft^3 @ 37Hz
Blowing up in a car accident doesnt worry me, as long as I'm putting out some major dB's when I die...
Platinum - Posts: 5,816
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Posted: October 01, 2006 at 6:00 PM / IP Logged  

It's fine to use the flake paint, it just makes the project a little more difficult because of the extra steps in using the sealer.  You would have a little more time involved for drying time.  The sealer is like the stuff they use to spray dried flowers and stuff like that.  Give it enough drying time and it will be durable.  You will add to cost as well as time if you want to use a stone finish because of the added coats.

But the difficulty is just because of time and material, not application.  It's actually easier to get a nice finish with the stone because of the large flakes.  It's the finer finishes that show problems in coverage.

Build the box so that it performs well in the worst case scenario and, in return, it will reward you at all times.
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