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My Loud Benz

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Member - Posts: 14
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Posted: February 07, 2008 at 2:17 AM / IP Logged  

Wow, we put a RE 18" MT with a MA Audio HK 802 (4000w peak) in the back of  a Honda Acoord Wagon  and it slammed....tore the weld seams from where my homeboy had the hatch shaved.  So I know that has got to be a hell of a setup love the RE..

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Posted: February 17, 2008 at 6:17 PM / IP Logged  
The fuel tank is an issue, clean ride !
Member - Posts: 7
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Posted: February 23, 2008 at 6:09 PM / IP Logged  
Wow....................not a good wow just wow
Copper - Posts: 111
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Posted: March 11, 2008 at 7:39 PM / IP Logged  
Clif wrote:

cloak559 wrote:
still_walkin wrote:
put that sub inthe trunk its nice but when you out it in your trunk you wont have no more space. also i would recommend 0 guage and a bigger amp runnin mono later
2.)The RE Audio SX is rated at 1000wats rms, the US Amps XT-4000D does 986watts rms at 1ohm(that spec comes directly from the designer of the amp) that amp is plenty power.
3.)The maximum current draw of that amp is 75A, which is not enough to require a 1/0 power run....
Any other constructive criticism?

well if you do some simple math...

current draw at 75 amps x your in put volts (we will round to 14.4 volts) =  your MAX out put

75 x 14.4 = 1050 watts

now thats if your amps are running at 100% efficency. and we all know that will never happen  it is probly around 75  so  

so your max power is around 780 watts.    wither you where wrong on detrmining your amp draw or your amps are not pushing at all.   and  basic info  for you people who dont know about amps.  if your curious about an amps  max power.   look at the fuse rating.   times the fuse rating by your voltage (14.4)  and then by .75 for efficency.  this will give you a ball park of what your amp can do if it dont cut out or protection come on.

i really get annoyed by amps being way over rated.    so just do some simple math and you will know what it can do.


What about amps that dont have fuses? My Kicker 06ZX1000.1 doesn't have a fuse, and that amp puts out crazy power!

Soldier: This is the worst part. The calm before the battle.
Fry: And then the battle is not so bad?
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Member - Posts: 14
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Posted: March 12, 2008 at 8:55 PM / IP Logged  
klctexas wrote:
Clif wrote:

cloak559 wrote:
still_walkin wrote:
put that sub inthe trunk its nice but when you out it in your trunk you wont have no more space. also i would recommend 0 guage and a bigger amp runnin mono later
2.)The RE Audio SX is rated at 1000wats rms, the US Amps XT-4000D does 986watts rms at 1ohm(that spec comes directly from the designer of the amp) that amp is plenty power.
3.)The maximum current draw of that amp is 75A, which is not enough to require a 1/0 power run....
Any other constructive criticism?

well if you do some simple math...

current draw at 75 amps x your in put volts (we will round to 14.4 volts) =  your MAX out put

75 x 14.4 = 1050 watts

now thats if your amps are running at 100% efficency. and we all know that will never happen  it is probly around 75  so  

so your max power is around 780 watts.    wither you where wrong on detrmining your amp draw or your amps are not pushing at all.   and  basic info  for you people who dont know about amps.  if your curious about an amps  max power.   look at the fuse rating.   times the fuse rating by your voltage (14.4)  and then by .75 for efficency.  this will give you a ball park of what your amp can do if it dont cut out or protection come on.

i really get annoyed by amps being way over rated.    so just do some simple math and you will know what it can do.


What about amps that dont have fuses? My Kicker 06ZX1000.1 doesn't have a fuse, and that amp puts out crazy power!

Well, since you don't have any onboard fusing you can reverse the process...

Divide your rated wattage by your input voltage..

1000/ 14.4 is about 69 amps of current draw..

And please tell me you have a fuse on that thing somewhere.....

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Silver - Posts: 359
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Posted: April 13, 2008 at 11:01 AM / IP Logged  

add up the fuses.multiply that by the voltage at the amp terminalsand multiply that by.75  for class d amps.....or .66 for class a/b amps........and those are max effiencies

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Posted: April 02, 2009 at 8:12 AM / IP Logged  
wow dude that is one box u got there
Copper - Posts: 67
Copper spacespace
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Posted: April 05, 2009 at 11:38 PM / IP Logged  
How many cubes is that huge box in the benz? Im running 6 wimpy p2s in a 12.75cube pushed by a pa 5500 class d
6 rockford 12s
5500 watt pa amp
12.0 cubic enclosure
Stock Boy - Posts: 227
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Posted: April 11, 2009 at 12:27 PM / IP Logged  

NICE install, man!  Very clean!  Hey, put that sub box in the trunk!My Loud Benz - Page 3 -- posted image. LOL

I'll bet that sucker moves your skin when it hits!  DANG!  An 18?  Holy cow, man, do your ears ever bleed?

I love the clean install, and tweeter placement.  My tweeters "ended up" on the lower corners of my dash, but they do bounce the highs off the window.  But I do like yours on the pillars!  Just gave me another famous "gotta change mine" idea.

Beautiful, as is the car!

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Posted: April 12, 2009 at 4:20 AM / IP Logged  
Myself.... I'm not really a big fan of a 4 door  "coupe"  (yikes)
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