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Copper - Posts: 169
Copper spacespace
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Posted: November 27, 2005 at 1:25 PM / IP Logged  

nice.. well since i am in construction...

Hey ____, get me the wire stretcher..

Hey ___, get me the wood stretcher.

hey __, u dropped your pocket.

Member - Posts: 46
Member spacespace
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Posted: November 27, 2005 at 8:15 PM / IP Logged  

Air horns are great. We have one off an old Mack, we call it “PUFF”. When someone is in the trunk, back seat or under the dash just grab puff and the air line, let’er rip!!! Gets them every time, never gets old.

Puff gets real fun when you spray a bunch of wd-40 in the big end, light it on fire and blow. Don’t have a car in front of it!!!

The air hose in general gets us in lots of trouble, from making bondo bullets for the blow gun or blowing up 2 liter soda bottles.

Speaking of soda bottles grab one put a bunch of tin foil in it, then fill it 1/3 full with Works Toilet bowl cleaner. Put the lid on give it a shake and get out of there. (Don’t do this one in the install bay)

In August I went to Florida for vacation, on the way back I stopped at south of the border and grabbed some small fire crackers. One box for like $2 had about 40 water proof fire crackers in it. Well my mistake I took some down the shop and we were putting these in everything, a 5 gallon bucket filled w/ water, then filled soda bottles, Snapple bottles, old ported sub boxes, you name it we put a fire cracker in it. (We took the Dynamat spray gun and rigged it up to shoot them out of the tube) Well just when I thought we were done playing my tint guy goes and puts one in the toilet, blew the side right out of it!!!!! A 5 cent fire cracker blew the shhhter up!!!! He bought a new toilet.

My partner has about an 8 inch tint strip on his windshield 17%. Well Matt our tinter cut a silhouette of a male organ out of 7% tint and put it on his passenger side windshield tint strip. He never saw it and we forgot till about 3 days later he came in to tell us his wife found it first, that was funny.

We all need to have some fun in the shop, and we have our share for sure

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Silver - Posts: 584
Silver spacespace
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Posted: November 28, 2005 at 12:38 PM / IP Logged  
forbidden wrote:
So I guess duct taping the noob installer to a stop sign doesn't count? nothing like leaving him 4 feet off of the ground and unable to free himself. (Don't piss off the boss is what it comes down to, especially when the boss is double your size, hehe).
Dude thats so cruel!!! lol
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Silver - Posts: 584
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Posted: November 28, 2005 at 12:57 PM / IP Logged  
If you're familiar with circuit city you know about the bench at the front of the shop. We used to screw all the fng's tools down to that bench using back straps and sometimes hotglueing down to the bench. On top of that we used to strip the heads on the screws.
So the fng grabs the dustpan to sweep up the shop and finds that it's screwed to the bench... He grabs his drill and finds that that is screwed down too... he grabs the regular philips and finds that is hot glued down... he throws up his hands in defeat... Kodak moment!
Tell the Snap-On guy I'm not here!
Platinum - Posts: 5,041
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Posted: November 28, 2005 at 1:41 PM / IP Logged  
5150azn wrote:
forbidden wrote:
So I guess duct taping the noob installer to a stop sign doesn't count? nothing like leaving him 4 feet off of the ground and unable to free himself. (Don't piss off the boss is what it comes down to, especially when the boss is double your size, hehe).
Dude thats so cruel!!! lol
That is what we did when someone quit with notice. His last day we would tape him up to the bench in front of the store.
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Copper - Posts: 169
Copper spacespace
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Posted: November 28, 2005 at 3:09 PM / IP Logged  

KPierson wrote:

I actually took the time to improve that prank by building a control unit that would keep track of how many times the brake pedal was pushed.  On the 10th press it would randomly select one of four patterns to honk the horn.  The unit would also pick one of the four patterns if the brake was held down for longer then 45 seconds.  This was installed on a Store managers car at CC.  It was an instant classic!


Gold - Posts: 1,031
Gold spacespace
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Posted: November 28, 2005 at 11:07 PM / IP Logged  

5150azn wrote:
If you're familiar with circuit city you know about the bench at the front of the shop. We used to screw all the fng's tools down to that bench using back straps and sometimes hotglueing down to the bench. On top of that we used to strip the heads on the screws.
So the fng grabs the dustpan to sweep up the shop and finds that it's screwed to the bench... He grabs his drill and finds that that is screwed down too... he grabs the regular philips and finds that is hot glued down... he throws up his hands in defeat... Kodak moment!


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Silver - Posts: 350
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Posted: November 28, 2005 at 11:25 PM / IP Logged  
think i'm glad i don't work at some of your shops out there...this one isn't car audio...was at my previous job, i worked at a printing press and each printing unit weighed around 10 000 lbs and nicely bolted to the floor with lie 2 inch think studs going into the concreate floor, anyway, the paper broke and you had to reach under the press to pass it up into the printing unit so we told one of the new guys to get the pallet  jack so we could jack up the press to pass the paper through...if the supervisor didn't come around the corner the new guy was going to do his best to get the pallet jack under the press.
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Gold - Posts: 1,661
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Posted: November 29, 2005 at 3:38 AM / IP Logged  
Not exactly a shop prank, but how about plugging subs into the wall outlet? That's always good for some laughs...usually we'd only do that with a sub that had a defect other than the voice coil, but one time we were having so much fun that the assistant manager decided to take the open box subs that were never going to get sold and blow them up too.
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Silver - Posts: 582
Silver spacespace
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Posted: December 01, 2005 at 6:04 PM / IP Logged  

Here's one for ya.  About a year ago a friend of mine totaled his car airbags went off and everything.  Well the car was just sitting in his driveway and myself and a coworker ,Eric, stopped by to help him move some stuff.  Eric sees the car and his eyes light up.  We cut the airbags out of the car took them to work and waited.  April 2 we had our chance, a 2002 Mercedes for a flip out came in.  We told the customer what we wanted to do.  He was cool with it.  So we tied the airbags in place in the car.  We paged the general manager to the bay and we all took our positions.  She comes in, sees the mercedes and me by the sink.  The customer is flipping out about us setting off his airbags.  She starts flipping out goes to call 911 and we all just busted out laughing.  Mind you no one was able to april fools her the day before. 

Then you have the ever popular tell the new guy go over to my box and get me a left handed screwdriver.

Cause I'm So white and nerdy...
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